
  • 网络The Color Of Love;THE COLOUR OF MY LOVE;the colours of love
  1. 你想知道我最爱的颜色?

    Do you want to know my favorite coior ?

  2. 炽热的鲜红,爱的颜色,理当作为底色!

    The base color is love 's burning red .

  3. 宝石绿是他最爱的颜色,不仅出现在各种旗帜上,还出现在绿皮书以及广告牌上。

    Precious green was his colour , in flags , Book and billboards .

  4. 浅蓝色是我最爱的颜色。

    Light blue is my favourite colour .

  5. 我是激情和爱的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木和罂粟。

    I am the color of passion and of love , the red rose , the poinsettia and the poppy .

  6. 在瑞塔奥拉2014年的一张照片上,以一袭红唇展现了纽约人最爱的颜色。

    New X Factor judge Rita Ora , pictured in New York in 2014 , rocks a classic red lip as loved by New Yorkers

  7. 爱是美丽的颜色。

    Love is a beautiful colour .

  8. 有的人爱物品美丽的颜色,有的人则爱物品的制作精巧。

    Some people like objects for their beautiful colour and others like objects for their workmanship .

  9. 根据你最爱的打扮,颜色以及生活方式,为你清理过的衣柜确定一个主题风格。

    With what 's left , begin identifying a theme to your wardrobe , relying on favorite looks , colors and lifestyle pieces .

  10. 仅仅因他人外在长相便与其热恋,就好像是选择你最爱的食物基于其颜色而非口感。

    Infatuating yourself with someone simply for what they look like on the outside is like choosing your favorite food based on color instead of taste .