
  • 网络The Jazz Age;JAZZ TIMES
  1. F·司各特·菲茨杰拉德被誉为爵士时代的天使。

    F. Scott Fitzgerald is called " the angel of the Jazz Age " .

  2. 这一时代被称为喧嚣的二十年代或爵士时代。

    The period was called Roaring Twenties or Jazz Age .

  3. 从《了不起的盖茨比》中的女性人物透视爵士时代女性价值观

    Perspective of Female Identity from Three Women Characters in The Great Gatsby

  4. 《了不起的盖茨比》是菲茨杰拉尔德就“爵士时代”所作的总结性注释。

    The Great Gatsby is his summative comment on the Jazz age .

  5. 试论爵士时代美国小说家及其作品的悲观情绪

    On the Pessimism of American Novelists and Their Works in the Jazz Age

  6. 爵士时代时髦女郎的文化历史渊源

    Cultural and historical origins of flappers in Jazz age

  7. 其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》就是“爵士时代”的一曲挽歌。

    His masterpiece The Great Gatsby is actually an elegy of the " Jazz time " .

  8. 爵士时代的回声&菲茨杰拉德及其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》

    The Echoes of the Jazz Age & about Fitzgerald and His Masterpiece The Great Gatsby ;

  9. 时髦女郎身上带有典型的爵士时代印记,受到许多评论家的关注。

    These flappers are so characteristic of Jazz Age that many critics pay close attention to them .

  10. 美国作家菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪二十年代爵士时代的代言人和迷惘的一代代表作家之一。

    Fitzgerald is the spokesman of The Jazz Age of 1920 ' and one of representative writers of The Lost Generation .

  11. 摘要弗兰西斯?司各特?菲茨杰拉德是现代美国著名作家,被称作爵士时代的代言人。

    F ? Scott ? Fitzgerald is a famous modern American writer called " the spokesman of the Jazz age " .

  12. 他用既轻松又深刻的方式描述了美国的爵士时代。

    Scott Fitzgerald is a romantic moralist , who is both lighthearted and profound in portraying the America of the Jazz Age .

  13. 弗·斯各特·菲茨杰拉尔德被公认为是美国爵士时代最重要的小说家之一。

    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is widely acknowledged to be a key novelist of the Jazz Age in the literary history of America .

  14. 弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德在美国文学史上地位醒目,是爵士时代最重要的代表人。

    F · Scott Fitzgerald , a most important representative figure of the Jazz Age , is considered socially prominant in the history of American literature .

  15. 为了克服精神上的空虚,爵士时代的人们只有转向拜金主义的美国梦,以求得心灵的归属与平和。

    In order to overcome the spiritual emptiness , Jazz Age people have to continue to look for the American Dream in order to achieve the harmony of souls .

  16. 在《了不起的盖茨比》中展示的金色世界里,流淌的主题是爵士时代道德废墟和颓废以及个人责任感的缺乏。

    Through the glittering world of The Great Gatsby runs the themes of moral waste and decay and the lack of personal responsibility which is characteristic of the Jazz Age .

  17. 弗·斯各特·菲茨杰拉德,作为爵士时代的代言人,被公认为是美国文学史上最重要的小说家之一。

    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald , who is the spokesman for the Jazz Age , is widely recognized to be one of the most important novelists in the literary history of America .

  18. 菲茨杰拉尔德的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》,因其作品深刻的社会意义和高超的艺术成就,成为爵士时代的经典之作。

    The Great Gatsby , the masterpiece of F.Scott . Fitzgerald , becomes one of the greatest works in the age of Jazz , because of its deeply social significance and excellent artistic attainment .

  19. 菲兹杰拉德在小说《了不起的盖茨比》中结合自己的生活经验以严肃低沉的语气讲述了一战后美国空前虚夸的爵士时代所隐藏的悲剧。

    In The Great Gatsby Scott Fitzgerald , combining with his own life experience , in a sad and serious tone , shows us the real problem of American hidden behind the extravagant and frenetic parties after the World War .

  20. 美国梦是菲茨杰拉德小说的一个重要主题,对这一主题的研究无论是对于研究菲茨杰拉德及其同时代的作家,还是研究爵士时代和迷惘一代的文学,都具有十分重要的意义。

    The American Dream is an important theme of Fitzgerald 's novels , a study of which , whether to the study of Fitzgerald and his contemporaries , or to that of the literature of the Jazz Age and the Lost Generation , is of great importance .

  21. 他喜欢大爵士乐队时代的音乐,尤其喜欢《黄昏时分》这首歌。

    He loved the music of the Big Band era , and none more than the song Twilight Time .

  22. 60年代后期,阿尔夫.拉姆齐爵士是他那个时代中足球俱乐部经理中最出色的人物。

    In the late sixties , Sir Alf Ramsey was the outstanding man of his day among football managers .