
  • 网络abstractness of real right act
  1. 谈善意取得与物权行为无因性原则的功能互补

    On the Functional Complementation of Good Faith Acquisition and Principle of Non-cause Real Right Act

  2. 本章主要通过具体的法条分析,得出我国立法中实际上已经承认了物权行为无因性理论的结论。

    In this chapter , from analysis adequately , we can know our country admit the theory of abstractness principle .

  3. 作者指出了法学界物权行为无因性肯定说与否定说两种主张的缺陷,从债权有效行为,物权行为有效或无效;

    The author points out the defects of affirmative and negative abstract principle of juristic act of real right in law circle .

  4. 物权行为无因性,是法律行为理论体系赋予物权行为的基本特性,存在于任何一种形式的物权行为。

    From the theory on juristic acts , we know that the Unreason Principle is the basic nature of juristic act of ownership .

  5. 从这两个方法角度看,物权行为无因性的存在是必要的。

    Overall , the necessity of existence of the unreasonable principle of act of property is explored profoundly from perspective of the two methods .

  6. 从法学方法的角度,可以另辟蹊径,寻找到物权行为无因性存在的必要性的证据。

    From the angle of legal methodology , this article tries to find an innovation to search for the evidence of necessity of the hermeneutics of civil laws existence .

  7. 关于物权行为的无因性原则的探讨

    The Discussion about Noncausal Relationship Principle In Juristic Act of Real Right

  8. 善意取得制度和物权行为的无因性具有本质的一致性,功能也是互补的。

    The bona fide gain system and the abstract nature of juristic acts of real rights are essentially consistent and functionally complementary .

  9. 世界各国虽然大多不承认物权行为的无因性,但各国票据法理论及立法均承认票据行为的无因性。

    Although many countries do not recognize the abstract nature of real right behavior , the bill law theory and legislation of the countries universally recognize the abstract nature of bill conduct .

  10. 同时,对票据行为的无因性与物权行为的无因性进行比较分析,厘清两个相似概念的区别,以达到对票据行为无因性更深刻的认识。

    Meanwhile , the paper gives a comparative analysis between bills behavior without cause and property behavior without cause , clarifying the difference between two similar concepts to have a more profound understanding of bills behavior without causes .

  11. 在对因无权处分所涉及的第三人进行保护之时,我国物权立法宜采用以物权行为无因性原则为基础以善意取得原则为补充的立法模式。

    When carrying on the protection to the third party involved in unauthorized disposition , our real right legislates should apply the legislative pattern which takes the principle of property without cause as the foundation and the principle of innocent purchase as a supplement .

  12. 我国物权法可以不采纳物权行为的无因性理论,但不应置物权合意的存在、物权行为的独立性于不顾;

    The author holds that the law of real right of our country may not adopt the theory of real right behavior , but can not put the existence of the real right behavior ignoring .

  13. 通过对德国民法的投资抵押制度的考察,我们可以发现其担保物权公信力的获得,实际上是物权行为无因性与担保物权独立性协力的结果。

    It can be found that the mortgage security in Germany with the public credit has its own special system basis .

  14. 在德国物权形式主义立法模式下确立了物权行为无因性原则,形式主义立法对交易安全的保护有着明晰、充分、简洁的优势。

    Property rights legislation in the German mode formalism established the principle of property act without reason , formalism of transaction security protection legislation has a clear , full , simple advantage .

  15. 物权行为独立性与善意取得制度相辅相成,分别给予受让人以债权保护和物权保护,而物权行为无因性之功能可为善意取得制度所替代,无存在的价值;

    The independence of action of property right contributes to the transaction safety of buyer , but the function of the abstraction of act of property right can be replaced by Bona Fide Acquisition .

  16. 笔者主张,物权行为理论有其独立价值,我国立法与司法应坚持物权行为的独立性,但应对物权行为的无因性进行一定的限制。

    Theory of juristic act of real right has its unique value , so the legislation and judicature shall persist in the independence of juristic act of real right , but limit abstract of juristic act of real right in certain degree .

  17. 第二节以《物权法》的一些相关规定为例。通过一、二两节的论证,得出我国民事立法中实际上是承认了物权行为无因性理论的。

    The second part is with a " matter right law " some relevant regulations , for example , through the argument of part one and part two , we can know our country admit the theory of abstractness principle .