
  • 网络Physical Channel;S-CCPCH;PhCH
  1. WCDMA下行专用物理信道的FPGA实现

    The Realization of Downlink Dedicated Physical Channel of WCDMA with FPGA

  2. TD-SCDMA各种业务处理增益及物理信道映射

    TD-SCDMA Process Gain of Diversified Services and Physical Channel Mapping

  3. WCDMA物理信道技术

    Physical Channel Technology about WCDMA

  4. 本算法在资源分配的同时考虑用户物理信道状态信息以及反映公平性和QoS需求的其他层参数。

    The algorithm allocates the resource taking into account both the physical channel state information and parameters of other layers reflecting the system fairness and QoS requirements .

  5. SS7则使用带外信令,即在另外的一个物理信道上传送信令消息。

    SS7 uses out-of-band signaling where signaling messages are carried on a separate physical channel .

  6. 然后介绍了LTE下行物理信道,OFDM系统的基本原理,及OFDM技术在LTE中的应用。

    Then the paper introduces the LTE downlink physical channel , the basic principles of OFDM system , and the application of OFDM technology in LTE .

  7. 仿真结果是由用条件概率描述的信道得到的。由于卷积turbo信道的构成是线性的,而且物理信道也有同样的假定。

    The results are obtained for channels described by the conditional probability that the constitute turbo convolutional codes are linear . Furthermore , the assumptions about the physical channel hold .

  8. 仿真结果表明,该模型与UWB系统信道的特征参数非常接近,能很好地仿真物理信道的参数。

    It is shown that the channel model approaches well to the measured results of UWB channel and it can be used to simulate the parameters of the physical layer .

  9. 用无线资源管理(RRM-RadioResourceManagement)的各种方法对复杂的无线物理信道、网络资源进行合理配置,完善异构网络的兼容性及保障不同特性业务的传输质量等方面就成为一个重要的研究课题。

    The aspects such as deploying the complicated radio physical channels and network resources with all kinds of method of RRM ( Radio Resource Management ), improving the compatibility of the heterogeneous network and protecting the transmission quality of services with different characteristic have become important research issues .

  10. 在FDD模式中,一个物理信道是由码,频率和上行链路上的相关相位来定义的。

    Physical Channel In FDD mode , a physical channel is defined by code , frequency and , in the uplink , relative phase .

  11. 合理的调度算法是保证AOS能够高效、有序的在同一物理信道上传输多种不同类型数据的关键。

    Rational scheduling algorithm is the key to ensure AOS transfer many different types of data in the same physical channel efficiently and orderly .

  12. 本文首先介绍TD-SCDMA系统的物理信道的基本格式,同时结合TD-SCDMA系统的特点建立了系统的离散传输模型及其矩阵表示。

    In this paper , we introduce the basic formations of the physical channel first of all . And make a discrete-time model and expression with matrix according to the character of TD-SCDMA system .

  13. 其中利用电力环网线路直接测量信道传输函数H(f)的幅频响应和相频响应的新方法,解决了一直难以处理的长距离物理信道相频响应频域直接测量的问题。

    And a new approach which uses the electrical loop wires to directly measure the channel transfer function H ( f ) and obtains the amplitude response and phase response , is provided to deal with the direct measurement of phase response for a line of long length .

  14. 在此基础上重点介绍了基于统计特征的非物理信道模型和基于散射特性的物理信道模型这两类MIM(?)信道建模方法。

    Based on them , two kinds of MIMO channel modeling methods are emphatically introduced , which are the non-physical model based on statistical characteristics and the physical model based on scattering characteristics .

  15. WCDMA的下行链路中,OVSF码被用作区分不同物理信道的信道化码,以最大程度降低UE的多址接入干扰(MAI),并提供对可变速率的支持。

    In downlink of WCDMA , orthogonal variable spreading factor ( OVSF ) codes are used as channelization codes to distinguish different physical channels in order to decrease MAI and support variable bit rate services .

  16. ITU(国际电信联盟)选择2GHz频段作为车载移动通信频段是勉为其难的,又将其对称分配给上、下行物理信道更是不合理的。

    It 's questionable for ITU to choose the waveband of 2 GHz for the mobile telecommunication and unreasonable to distribute it over the downlink and uplink channels symmetrically .

  17. 首先对软件无线电的组成结构和TD-SCDMA物理信道进行了阐述,在此基础上提出了基于宽带中频带通采样软件无线电结构的TD-SCDMA终端接收机的软硬件模块设计方案。

    First , the structure of SDR and the physical-channel of TD-SCDMA are expounded , then software and hardware models of the terminal receiver , which use the SDR structure of wideband and bandpass sampling in IF ( Intermediate frequency ), are put forward .

  18. 面向数据包的前向纠错方法主要应对物理信道对数据传送的影响,面向数据包组的前向纠错方法主要是应用于电信级以太网传送TDM业务的场合,为应对网络拥塞的影响。

    The data packet based method is used to fix the physical channel error and the data packet group based method is mainly adopted in the scene that TDM is carried on carrier Ethernet network and it handles the influence of network congestion .

  19. 首先研究移动通信中的物理信道,数学模型和仿真采用的ITU信道模型;

    We build the platform for simulation of the physical layer in TD-SCDMA , and study the different receiver schemes based on Joint Detection algorithms : ( 1 ) First we study wireless physical channels , its mathematical models and ITU models ;

  20. 首先介绍了HSDPA的研究背景,通过与3GPPRelease99相比,明确分析了HSDPA带来的一系列变化,如引入的新的物理信道和传输信道,帧的格式变化等。

    First , the background of HSDPA is illustrated , and compared with 3GPP Release 99 , the technology traits and the change it brings are discussed , such as the new transmit channel and physical channel , as well as the change of the frame .

  21. 注意到时间开关传输不能应用于随机接入上行物理信道。

    Note that time switched transmission is not applied to the random acceSS uplink physical channel .

  22. 首先剖析了承载系统消息的物理信道的传输格式、解调和下行同步过程;

    First , we introduce the physical channel 's transmit format , demodulation and downlink synchronization procedures .

  23. 多个网络传输重迭发生在同一物理信道上,它导致数据被破坏,因而必须重传。

    Multiple network transmissions overlapping in the physical channel , resulting in garbled data and necessitating retransmission .

  24. 这些缺点严重制约着链路自适应技术的应用,尤其是可靠物理信道信息的获得而带来的高实现复杂度更令人望而却步。

    Thus application of LA technique is restricted by these disadvantages , especially when reliable physical channel information are required .

  25. 但是,实际的物理信道中的噪声又往往是非高斯分布的,而是伴随着大量的脉冲噪声。

    However , many physical channels , in the real situation , are not AWGN but coexisted with the impulsive noise .

  26. 语码对信道的适应这一特点,可以通过解析语言传播物理信道的结构得到探究。

    The traits of the adoption of language code to the channel can be proved by analyzing the structure of language transferring physical channel .

  27. 该仿真模型能在保持其它参数不变的条件下,通过仿真模型相位的跳变来模拟物理信道频率的跳变。

    It is shown that a frequency hop in the physical channel model corresponds to phase hops in the simulation model , while maintaining all other parameters unchanged .

  28. 由于无线自组织网络中的节点都共享无线信道,且网络中不存在任何中心控制节点,所以各分布式节点都需要通过随机竞争来占用物理信道。

    Due to the sharing nature of wireless channels and the lack of central controller in the networks , each distributed node has to contend randomly for the wireless channel .

  29. 首先,一个新颖的复合式的中继向量被提出用来进行下一跳中继选择,该中继向量综合考虑了车辆的地理位置、物理信道状态、车辆的移动速度。

    A novel composite relaying metric is firstly designed for next hop relaying node selection , which jointly considers geographical locations of vehicles , physical layer channel conditions , and moving velocities of vehicles .

  30. 对节点、终端的作用及功能给予了定义和描述。对基本通信方式、物理信道给予了定义和描述。提出了公共物理信道接入时序原理及规则。

    The definitions and functions about the node , terminal , basic communication manners , and physical channels are detailedly described , the principle and regulation about accessing time slot of public physical channel .