
  • 网络special price
  1. 文化产品价格并非由某个因素单独决定,而是由效用、成本、垄断等因素共同作用、综合决定,即成本和效用共同决定文化产品的价格区间,垄断则带来了超出价格区间的特殊价格。

    However , the prices of cultural products are not dependent on a single factor but on the combination of their utility , cost and monopolization , i.e. , the cost and utility determine the price range while the monopolistic sales cause extra price .

  2. 稀有语种和特殊专业价格另议。

    Price for unusual languages or special fields is negotiable .

  3. 分析得出正常的优惠价格应该是预先设定的、不针对特定人的且具有有因性的特点,以此区别于享受特殊优惠价格的受贿行为。

    The normal promotional prices should be pre-set , not for particular people , to distinguish from a bribee who has a particular price .

  4. 如果用户找不到预期的使用或传递权限,可以联系内容所有者或提供者商量特殊的价格和费用。

    If consumers cannot find the usage or transfer rights they are looking for , they could contact the content owner or provider for special prices .

  5. 浅谈中药市场的特殊性与价格

    Discussion on the Particularity and Prices of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials Market

  6. 如果你书写潦草的话就不会输入文档,并且这种特殊的纸价格十分昂贵。

    It doesn 't turn scribble into text ; the special paper can be expensive .

  7. 本文介绍了制造商的独立行为,代理关系,子公司,以及对出版物这种特殊商品的价格约束。

    This article introduces independent act of the manufacturer , agency relationship , subsidiary and price limitation to publication .

  8. 在一定时期内,宏观经济的主要变动趋势决定石油价格的基本变动方向,但由于我国特殊的石油价格体制与经济环境,石油价格也将按照自己特定的变化规律运行。

    Over a given period , major changing macro-economic trends define the basic changing direction for oil prices . However , given China 's special pricing system and economic environment , changes in oil prices are not so clear-cut .

  9. 后来这些特殊犬供过于求,价格暴跌,他只得把它们卖做肉用。

    Oversupply and plummeting prices for specialty dogs forced him to sell the animals for meat .

  10. 价格管制导致了市场中存在套利机会,但是本文应用一个动态博弈模型论证了:对于火车票这种特殊商品,即使价格升高到供求均衡价格,依然可能存在套利机会;

    This paper , however , shows that arbitrage opportunities still exist even in a market with equilibrium ticket price under certain circumstances .

  11. 要研究房地产这一种特殊的商品的价格,就需从影响房地产的供给与需求的诸多因素着手。

    To study the real estate of the special commodity prices , need to study the factors which influence property of supply and demand .

  12. 利率是资金的时间价值,是资本这一特殊生产要素的价格,利率的调整对于宏观经济与微观经济都具有重要影响。

    The interest rate is the time value of fund , is the price of capital , which is a special production element . The interest rate adjustment influence on macroscopic and microscopic economy critically .

  13. 把特殊的方程式和特殊的价格联系起来就没有作用了。

    This relating of particular equations to particular prices becomes rather idle .

  14. 埃文斯表示:我认为,现在出现了一些特殊情况。由于这些特殊情况,采用价格水平目标,将是对我们当前与未来策略的有益补充。

    I think there are special circumstances when price-level targeting would be a helpful complement to our current and prospective strategies , Mr Evans said .

  15. 虚拟经济具有财产性质的特殊性、财产市场的特殊性、财产价格的特殊性、财产收益的特殊性、市场运行的特殊性和市场影响的特殊性六种基本属性。

    Fictitious economy have six basic characteristics including the particularity of the nature of property , the particularity of the property market , the particularity of the property prices , the particularity of the property income , the particularity of the market , the particularity of market effect .

  16. 电磁阀适合一些特殊地工艺要求,比如泄漏、流体介质特殊等,价格较贵。

    Solenoid valve and process for some special requirements , such as leakage of fluid medium , such as special , more expensive prices .