
fàn zuì ɡòu chénɡ yào jiàn
  • constitutive elements of crime
  1. 由于本罪是新出台的罪名,其犯罪构成要件又与斡旋受贿和受贿罪等其他受贿型犯罪有相似之处,以至于学界和司法实务界对本罪存在很多争议和分歧。

    As this crime is the new counts of its constitutive elements of crime and mediate bribery and bribery and other crimes of taking bribes have similarities , so academic and judicial practice there are many disputes and differences on this crime .

  2. 论犯罪构成要件的逻辑顺序

    The Logic Order of Constitutive Elements of Crime

  3. 对事实错误的分类,应该以犯罪构成要件为标准。

    Crime components are the criterion to sort up factual mistakes .

  4. 滥用职权罪犯罪构成要件之界定

    The definition about constitution of crime of abuse of authority

  5. 受贿犯罪构成要件争议的思考

    On the Controversy about Essential Constitutive Elements of the Crime of Accepting Bribes

  6. 刑事归责是实质的犯罪构成要件理论。

    Criminal imputation is substantial crime constitution theory .

  7. 国内犯罪构成要件研究现状

    Research into Chinese Theory of Crime Constitution

  8. 作为义务是属于犯罪构成要件符合性的范畴,是成立不纯正不作为犯的理论前提。

    The duty to act belongs to the area of conformity of criminal constitutive elements .

  9. 犯罪构成要件的位阶性

    The Ranking of Constitutive Elements of Crime

  10. 论社会变迁与犯罪构成要件的嬗变

    How Social Changes Influencing Criminal Constitutive Elements

  11. 侵占罪犯罪构成要件研究

    Study on the Constitution of Embezzlement Crime

  12. 犯罪构成要件体系论

    On System of Crime Constitutive Elements

  13. 一是要准确把握醉驾犯罪构成要件。

    First , be sure to grasp accurately the elements in constitution of a drunk-driving crime .

  14. 犯罪构成要件分客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面四部分。

    Elements of Crime sub-object , objective aspect , subject , subjective aspects of four parts .

  15. 本文第二部分为两大法系代表国家环境犯罪构成要件考察。

    The second part of the paper is about the constitution of environmental crime in foreign country .

  16. 犯罪构成要件的变动,是由立法引起的,根源却在于社会的内在驱动。

    Changes of components making up a crime caused by legislation , result from the social drive .

  17. 本文第一部分为环境犯罪构成要件概述。

    The first part of the paper is about the summarization of the constitution of environmental crime .

  18. 文章阐述了我国拒不执行判决、裁定罪的立法概况和犯罪构成要件。

    The article describes the legislative history and elements of crime of refusing to execute judgments or orders .

  19. 在中国,社会危害性认识也是犯罪构成要件主观罪过的重要内容。

    In China , harmfulness to society cognition is also an important element of subjective aspects of a crime .

  20. 合同诈骗罪与合同纠纷、民事欺诈行为在犯罪构成要件的各个方面都有不同。

    This article argues that the criminal components of contract fraud , contract dispute , and civil fraud are different .

  21. 因而,对遗弃罪的若干犯罪构成要件应重新认识。

    Some requisites to constitute the crime of abandonment have new meanings , so we should consequently renew our opinions .

  22. 从行为人危害性质、客体及综合角度分析其行为符合刑法规定故意杀人罪和敲诈勒索罪的犯罪构成要件。

    From harm nature , object and comprehensive analyzed the compliance to criminal law intentional homicide and extortion of the crime .

  23. 析侵犯商业秘密罪的定义与构成要件论社会变迁与犯罪构成要件的嬗变

    Trying to Analyse the Definition and Constitutive Elements of the Offence of Infringing Trade Secret How Social Changes Influencing Criminal Constitutive Elements

  24. 论我国刑法第338条的立法缺陷与完善&以犯罪构成要件为视角

    On the Legislative Defect and Perfection of Article 338 of Criminal Law & From the Visual Angle of the Essential Constitution of Crime

  25. 胁从犯具备共同犯罪构成要件符合性、违背意愿而选择犯罪的意志自由相对性和胁从行为对胁迫行为的从属性。

    Coerced accomplice should possess constitutive elements of joint crime , limited freedom of the will , and behavior according to the duress .

  26. 根据刑法中规定的身份犯的犯罪构成要件的内容是否要求具有特定身份之主体去亲自实施,可以将身份犯划分为排他性身份犯和非排他性身份犯。

    It can be classified into personal status crime and non-personal status crime by the constitutive elements of status crime provided in criminal law .

  27. 外在客观事实的认定依据是客观情状具有具体性而非一般性,行为人通过实施符合犯罪构成要件的行为所追求的利益至少能够被社会所容忍。

    The objective facts are that the objective environment is concrete and the benefits which the doer pursues can be at least tolerated by society .

  28. 关于犯罪构成要件,我国刑法学界普遍认为,行为构成犯罪,以犯罪构成要件的满足为条件。

    It is recognized that behavior constitutes crimes when the behavior is in accordance with constitutive elements of a crime in criminal law science circle .

  29. 对我国犯罪构成要件的争议问题进行了探讨,并对司法实践中存在的认定问题做了简要说明。

    This paper discusses the controversial issues of constitutive elements of money laundering crime , and give a brief description about judicial determination in practice .

  30. 抢夺罪的立法完善之关键在于抢夺犯罪构成要件之数额标准确立方法的重新设定。

    To refound the standard of the amount of this crime is the most important thing to perfect this legislation of the crime of forcible seizure .