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  1. 婚礼行过,新娘就要离荚冬在静夜里和她的主人独对了。

    After the wedding the bride shall leave her home and meet her lord alone in the solitude of night .

  2. 你是这般善良纯净的女子,时时不忘给人以温暖,却勇敢的独对一城的寂寞;

    You are so pure and good woman , he never forgets to give people a warm , but the brave alone the loneliness of a city ;

  3. 他从未对人说起过这个梦,更不明白自己此刻为何独对山姆敞开胸怀,但说出来的感觉真好。

    He had never told anyone of the dream , and he did not understand why he was telling Sam now , yet somehow it felt good to talk of it .

  4. H3的每个左胞腔内恰含一个独异对合元,本文找出了这些独异对合元。

    There is just a distinguished involution on every left cell of group H_3 . We find out all distinguished involutions .

  5. 与此同时,美国提出,如果津巴布韦通过谈判结束政治冲突,美国将向津巴布韦提供援助。这个月早些时候,中国和俄罗斯在联合国安理会否决了制裁津巴布韦的决议案。布什政府随后表示将单独扩大对津巴布韦政府的制裁。

    The Bush administration had promised to tighten unilateral U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe after a draft U.N. Security Council resolution for international sanctions was vetoed earlier this month by Russia and China .

  6. 如同对比萨饼和面食一样,意大利人对葡萄酒也情有独钟。对他们来说,葡萄酒绝不仅仅是一种酒。

    Like pizza and pasta , Italians take their wine very seriously , it is far more than just a drink .

  7. 他为学独宗程朱,对陆王学派、汉学和文章之学均表示出轻视的态度。

    In the field of studying he revered Cheng-Zhu Confucian and despised Lu-Wang school , Sinology and the study of the article .

  8. 蛇可以感知红外线,蜜蜂可以看到部分紫外线,但是它们都属于极个别的情况。为什么地球生物的眼睛都对可见光如此情有独钟却对其他光线视而不见呢?

    Snakes have infrared sensors , and bees can see some ultraviolet light , but they 're among the few exceptions to the rule . Why are we earth dwellers so attuned to visible light , instead of some other segment of the spectrum ?

  9. 独虎龙煎剂对豚鼠结肠带收缩及小鼠回肠平滑肌CAMP含量的影响

    The Effects of Du Hu Long on the Contraction of Coli Taenia and on the Level of cAMP in Ileum Smooth Muscle

  10. 独虎龙煎剂对乙酰胆碱(Ach)或高钾(K~+)去极化后钙离子(Ca~(++))所诱发的离体豚鼠结肠带收缩有抑制作用,且呈剂量依稹性关系。

    The contraction of coli taenia of guinea pig induced by Ach ( acetylcholine ) or Ca ~ ( + + ) when pretreated with high K ~ + solution can be inhibited dose & dependently by Du Hu Long .

  11. 独虎龙煎剂对胃肠道平滑肌收缩作用的影响

    The effects of DU HU LONG on the contraction of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract of experimental animals

  12. 生活的意义在于对一件事情情有独钟,而对其他一千件事情熟悉即可。

    The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well .

  13. 我知道阿纳戈诺斯先生对古代希腊和罗马的遗迹情有独钟,并且对它们所创造的古代文明推崇备至。

    I knew Mr. Anagnos 's great love of antiquity and his enthusiastic appreciation of all beautiful sentiments about Italy and Greece .

  14. 上海的一个经济学家安地谢说,中国人对欧洲的奢侈品情有独钟,他们对豪华酒店,美食大餐等不太感兴趣。

    Ch â teau Lafite 's astonishing fame in China is a story about the country 's political economy , not about the enjoyment of wine , says Mr Xie .

  15. 另一方面,我知道许多中国男人也是出于好奇而对外国女人情有独钟,他们对差异充满好奇。

    On the flip side , I know a lot of Chinese men that are interested in foreign women for the same reason , they are curious with something that is so different .

  16. 从20世纪60年代开始,金融工具就如雨后春笋一般不断创新,其独特性和复杂性对金融工具的确认、计量以及减值等会计信息的质量提出了更加严格的要求。

    From the 1960s , the innovations of financial instruments have been springing up continuously . The uniqueness and complexity of financial instruments make more stringent requirements to the quality of accounting information about recognition , measurement and impairment .

  17. 事到如今,孩子们都已长大成年,与自己分家独过,这样对老两口来说已没有什么后顾之忧了。经历了这么多年不快的婚姻生活,两人现在都只是想要分手离开,寻找自己的生活。

    Now , all their children have already grown up , have their own family , there 's nothing else the old couple have to worry about , all they wanted is to lead their own life free from all these years of unhappiness from their marriage , so both agree on a divorce .