
  • 网络Wang Yun;wang jun
  1. 梁代以王筠、王规、王训等后起之秀为代表,他们紧随潮流,与主流文体发展的步调保持一致,其作品具有鲜明的时代特征,体现出当时流行之体制与风格。

    In the Liang Dynasty , such as Wang Jun , Wang Gui , Wang Xun , followed the trend closely , keeping the steps with the development of the main style . Their works embodied the prevalent system and style of that period .

  2. 在南朝王氏家族中,王筠的文学活动与创作,在家族势力日渐衰微的进程中,取得了较为突出的成就,对于绍续家风、保持家族余威、维护家族门第起到了重要作用。

    In the Wang family in the Southern Dynasties Wang Jun made great achievements in literary activities and creation while the family was declining , which played an important role in maintaining the family status .

  3. 王筠《教童子法》的实用价值与学术贡献

    The Practical Value and Academic Contribution of Methods of Teaching Children

  4. 王筠《教童子法》蒙学语文教学理论及其现代意义

    The Theories of Initiatory Education in Language and Modern Significance of Wang Yun 's " Methods of Teaching Children "

  5. 王筠对《说文》的研究不同于以前及同时代的《说文》研究,他独辟蹊径,进行了纯汉字学的研究,即在研究字义的基础上着重对汉字的形体进行了研究。

    His research was different from other contemporary researchers , and opened a new road for himself , he had conducted the pure Chinese character study research , namely had conducted the research emphatically in the explanation meaning foundation to the Chinese character physique .