
  1. 王孟诗派的创作与老庄思想

    Creation of Wang Meng Poetry Faction and Lao Zhuang 's Thought s

  2. 论陶渊明、王孟、范成大田园诗的异同酒是我国古代诗人(词人)特别喜爱、钟情的一个传统的审美意象。

    Similarities and Differences in the Pastoral Poetry of Four Ancient Chinese Poets Wine is the favorite and traditional aesthetic image for the ancient Chinese poets .

  3. 储光羲向来与王孟一起被称为盛唐山水田园诗派的代表,然而论及储光羲诗歌的真正面貌时,诸多文学史几乎一笔带过,语焉不详。

    Chu Guangxi has always been known as the Tang and Meng together representatives of Pastoral Poetry , however , Chu Guangxi addressed the real face of poetry , the many literary history almost a passing , did not elaborate .

  4. 灵光在艺术中闪耀&谈王、孟风景诗的异同

    Wisdom Glittering in the Art & A Talk about the Similarities and Differences Between the Scenery Poems by Wang Wei and Those by Meng Hao-ran

  5. 《蜀道难》是在以边塞诗和王、孟山水诗为代表的盛唐两种主导审美类型下产生的一个特殊变体。

    The Hard Roads Toward Shu is a special variant of the two dominant aesthetic types in High Tang i. e. of the borderland poems and the landscape poems of Wang and Meng .

  6. 在选诗方面,包括三个独特之处:对艳情诗的选录、对特殊题材的诗歌的选录、对陶、谢、王、孟、储、常等田园诗、闲适诗的推崇。

    In the selection of poems , Shi Gui displays three unique features : the inclusion of love poems , the inclusion of poems dealing with special subject matters , and the veneration of pastoral and leisure poems of Tao , Xie , Wang , Meng , Chu , Chang .