
  • 网络To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge;The night of maple-bridge;mooring at night by maple bridge;A Night Mooring Near Maple Bridge;Maple Bridge Night Mooring
  1. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。(张继《枫桥夜泊》)

    Moonset , rooks caw , frost fills the sky , | maples and fishing lights , and sorrow before my bed .

  2. 诗歌翻译赏析&读《枫桥夜泊》的两首译文

    Appreciating the translations of Poetry

  3. 身后是最大的刻有枫桥夜泊诗句的碑文。

    The biggest stone which sculptured the poem of " A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge " .

  4. 只要你,你们聆听一下这大自然的杰作,就足足抵消得枫桥夜泊的诗意!

    If you listen to it , you will fully masterpiece , to offset the poetic arrives at an interpretation !

  5. 再次,文章探讨了诗歌《枫桥夜泊》原文及英译本中的诗意美。

    Lastly , the thesis analyzes the poetic beauty of the original poem " Night Mooring by Maple Bridge " and its realization in the target text .

  6. 主题与主题倾向关联下的古汉诗之英译&枫桥夜泊四种英译之比较研究

    English Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry in the Light of the Relevance of Theme and Theme Inclination & A Comparative Study of Four English Versions of Night-Berthing by Maple Bridge

  7. 其次,通过对诗歌名篇《枫桥夜泊》五个不同译本的分析与对比性研究,探讨如何翻译中国古典诗歌。

    Secondly , the author makes a comparative study on different translation versions of poem " Night Mooring by Maple Bridge " for the purpose of exploring the translation of classical Chinese poetry .

  8. 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。

    With a smile , the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji 's Poem " Mooring by Feng'Qiao at Night . " Although nothing more was said , the Japanese monks felt enlightened .

  9. 寒山寺中的主要景点有大雄宝殿、藏经楼、钟楼、碑文《枫桥夜泊》、枫江第一楼。

    The main buildings in that temple are then Daxiong Hall ( the main hall in each buddhist temple ), the Sutra Hall , the Clock Tower , the in script ion " Midnight Bells ", the first floor of Maple River .