
  • 网络Syrup;Maple syrup
  1. 加拿大著名的枫糖浆失窃案就是一个很好的例证。2012年,在加拿大一家全球战略性枫糖浆储备处(GlobalStrategicMapleSyrupReserve,不要怀疑,真的有这个机构),大约有600万磅(270万公斤)枫糖浆失窃。

    Take the case of the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist of 2012 , in which 6 million pounds ( 2.7 million kilograms ) of syrup were stolen from the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve ( yes , that 's a thing ) .

  2. 魁北克省枫糖浆的生产量占全世界的80%。

    Quebec produces 80 % of the world 's maple syrup .

  3. 就是红色的食物色素加上枫糖浆。

    It was red food dye mixed with maple syrup .

  4. 那个…-枫树倒在车上,流出枫糖浆

    The ... - Tree fell on the car , spilling the syrup .

  5. 用勺子把黄油枫糖浆洒在上面。

    Spoon this butter and maple syrup over top .

  6. 另外还可加入少量生蜂蜜或纯枫糖浆增加甜度。

    Sweeten to taste with a drizzle of raw honey or pure maple syrup .

  7. 吃的时候可以加入枫糖浆,如果你喜欢也可以再多加些黄油。

    Serve with lashings of real maple syrup and extra butter if you like .

  8. 把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。

    Stir in the sugar and maple syrup .

  9. 随好淋上枫糖浆。

    Drizzle with maple syrup if desired .

  10. 趁热吃,可以用草莓浆或者枫糖浆佐餐。

    Serve the pancakes hot off the griddle with warm strawberry syrup or maple syrup .

  11. 一点枫糖浆。

    Little bit of maple syrup .

  12. 在蒸熟的胡萝卜或番薯上淋些蜂蜜,枫糖浆或果汁。

    Drizzle honey , maple syrup , or fruit juice on steamed carrots or sweet potatoes .

  13. 突变鼠方面,已建立了一个与人类枫糖浆尿毒症相似的小鼠动物模式。

    Using ENU mutagenesis we have identified a mouse model resembling human maple syrup urine disease .

  14. 搭配纯枫糖浆食用。

    Serve with maple syrup .

  15. 我想是啊,因为我姊姊早上吃松饼的时候都喜欢在上面放枫糖浆。

    Mary : I think so because my sister loves to put it on her pancake in the morning .

  16. 其中有乔先生三岁的儿子爱不释手的麋鹿玩具,还有加拿大国家馆特制的T恤、帽子、雨伞、限量版特大徽章以及加拿大特产枫糖浆。

    The pack includes a moose toy , T-shirt , cap , umbrella , limited-edition emblem and maple syrup .

  17. 再添一壶佛蒙特州枫糖浆和一份稀黄油,倒在上面吧(9美元[约合人民币56元])。

    Add a pitcher of Vermont maple syrup and another of melted butter for pouring ( $ 9 ) .

  18. 在全麦烤面包上涂上罐头南瓜,龙舌兰小雨或枫糖浆。

    Spread a scoop of canned pumpkin on toasted whole wheat bread and then drizzle agave or maple syrup on top .

  19. 在魁北克,每到此时,喜欢枫糖浆的人就云集这里,去当地的“枫糖小屋”过过瘾。

    In Quebec , each time , people loving maple syrup gathered here , having fun in the local " maple sugar house " .

  20. 碧昂丝曾经通过这种方法在2周内减掉了20磅,在此期间她只能吃一些自家制作的柠檬水,枫糖浆,白开水或者辣椒。

    Beyonce has supposedly dropped 20 pounds in two weeks on this diet of homemade lemonade , maple syrup , water , and Cayenne pepper .

  21. 英国模特内奥米•坎贝尔透露,她的魔鬼身材源于她常服一种由柠檬汁、辣椒末、枫糖浆调制而成的饮品。

    British model Naomi Campbell revealed the secret of her stunning figure was a drink made from lemon juice , cayenne pepper and maple syrup .

  22. 您喜欢加了枫糖浆的松饼吗?您知道佛蒙特的枫糖浆产量远远超过美国境内的其他州吗?

    Do you like pancakes with maple syrup ? Did you know that Vermont produces more maple syrup than any other state in the United states ?

  23. 如果你之前用的是有甜味的牛奶,比如甜豆浆或杏仁奶,你可以再少加一点枫糖浆或者其它甜味剂。

    If you are already using a sweetened milk like sweetened soy or almond milk , you can add a little bit of maple syrup or other sweetener .

  24. 加拿大当局称,他们在新不伦瑞克省查封了600多桶偷来的枫糖浆,这是魁北克省价值百万的糖浆被盗案调查的一部分。

    Canadian authorities say they have seized more than 600 barrels of stolen maple syrup in New Brunswick as part of an investigation into the theft of millions worth of syrup in Quebec .

  25. 甜味食物,比如加两匙糖的玉米片以及华夫饼干和枫糖浆,含有高血糖负荷并会导致早上精神的萎靡不振。

    Sugary foods , such as cornflakes with two spoonfuls of sugar , accompanied by a waffle and maple syrup , had a high GL and led to a slump in performance by late morning .

  26. 许多家庭很享受早春时节拜访枫糖“棚屋”,特别在乡社,枫树汁液被放入一个敞开平底锅内,等待枫糖浆煮沸。

    Many families enjoy a visit in early spring to a maple sugar " shack ," the special rustic building where sap from maple trees is boiled in a large open pan to make maple syrup .

  27. 杰弗里拿出了一个小瓶,让我把手指上的血抹在瓶沿上,随后我们把洋葱汁也倒入瓶中,看着绿色和红色的液体混合起来,产生一种从色调和粘度上都跟枫糖浆十分相似的东西。

    Jeffery raised a vial , and I wiped my bleeding finger across its rim . We poured the onion juice into the vial as well and watched as the green and red combined to produce a fluid with both the tint and viscosity of maple syrup .

  28. 也许你会觉得盗窃枫糖浆是很可笑的行为,但如果你知道在当时的销售市场上,1桶620磅(281公斤)的枫糖浆售价为1800美元,大约是同期原油市场价格的13倍,你就笑不出来了。

    You might think that syrup stealing should be filed under funny , but there 's nothing laughable about a commodity that at the time of the heist was trading at $ 1800 per 620-pound ( 281-kilogram ) barrel , or roughly 13 times crude oil 's then-going rate .