
dān yǐn hào
  • single quotation marks;single quotes
  1. 这两个编码均放在单引号内,以防止shell篡改有特殊含义的字符。

    Both codes are enclosed in single quotation marks to prevent the shell from interpolating characters that have special meaning .

  2. 在英国式的英语,单引号被用。

    In British English , single quotation marks are used .

  3. 在case语句中,用单引号封闭起来的字符也会产生整数值,以便我们进行比较。

    The singly-quoted characters in the case statements also produce integral values that are used for comparison .

  4. 在本示例中,参数周围的单引号用于保持参数不变,从而可以避免Shell对+和%进行解释。

    Here , the single quotation marks around the argument keep it intact , preventing the shell from interpreting + and % .

  5. 通过使用run命令可实现该操作,该命令接受单个参数:单引号括起的脚本文件名。

    You do so by using the run command , which takes a single argument : the name of the script file enclosed in single quotes .

  6. 既然我们要通过一个常量比较select参数,可用单引号('')包含常量。

    Since we just want to compare the select parameter against a constant , we wrap the constant in single quotes ( ' ' ) .

  7. Ruby不处理任何用单引号括起来的字符串信息。

    Ruby does not process any data in a string if you wrap it in single quotes .

  8. description列是长度可变的字符串,所以它预计是一个字符串(通过将字符数据括在单引号中指明)。

    The description column is a variable-length character string , so it expects a string ( which you indicate by enclosing the character data within single quotes ) .

  9. 空列表前面的单引号用来告诉Scheme您正在使用()作为数据,而不是用它作为解析树的一部分。

    The single quotation mark in front of the null list is used to tell Scheme that you are using () as data and not as a part of your parse tree .

  10. 在“Thegroupmadeitsdecision.”这样的句子中,人们通常在its中间加上单引号。在这个句子中不应该加撇,因为你的意思是,该决定属于这个组织。

    People often add an apostrophe to " its " in a sentence like " The group made its decision . " There should be no apostrophe because what you mean is that the decision the group .

  11. 另一个例子就是在JSP中使用单引号和双引号在WebSphere产品家族编译期间会出错。

    Another example is use of single and double quotes in JSP which fails during compilation for WebSphere family of products .

  12. 注意,虽然这个例子看上去使用了双引号,但实际上它是在比较值(“Gold”)前后使用了两个单引号。

    Note that although the example might appear to use double quotes , it actually uses two single quotes before and after the comparison value ( ''Gold ' ' ) .

  13. solidDB字符串使用单引号分隔。

    SolidDB strings are delimited by single quotes .

  14. 在第一个echo命令中,单引号禁止解释此变量,因此会按原样显示引号中的文本,即四字母的字符串$var。

    In the initial echo command , the apostrophes prevent interpretation of the variable , instead yielding a verbatim copy of the quoted text , the four-letter string $ var.

  15. 如果shell脚本的某一部分用单引号(也称为重单符)括起来,那么将执行这个部分并将结果放在该命令行内。

    If any part of a shell command is enclosed by back quotes ( a character also known as a grave accent ), it is executed and the output placed on the command line .

  16. 注意,插入到stockDate和description列的值括在单引号字符中。

    Notice that the values inserted into both the stockDate and description columns are enclosed in single quote characters .

  17. 养成使用单引号来括起sed命令的习惯是个好注意,这样可以禁用shell扩展。

    It 's a good idea to get into the habit of using single quotes to surround your sed commands , so that shell expansion is disabled .

  18. 因为使用单引号禁用了称为扩展的bash特性,其中,特殊字符和字符系列由值替换。

    Because using single quotes disables a bash feature called expansion , where special characters and sequences of characters are replaced with values .

  19. 要正确访问,必须将JDBCURL作为字符串传递给connect命令;因此需要将其封装在单引号(')字符里。

    To be accessed properly , the JDBC URL must be passed into the connect command as a string ; hence it 's enclosed in single quotation mark ( ' ) characters .

  20. 关于母亲节的英文符号,多数国家采用单数名词“Mother'sDay”,“s”前的单引号想要表达的是,每个家庭感恩自己的母亲,而非全天下的母亲。

    A punctuation point about the day is that most countries choose the singular possessive " Mother 's Day , " with the apostrophe before the ' s " to show that each family honours their mother , rather than all of the world 's mothers .

  21. 如果约束使用了一个消息关联(通过消息Id),消息中的{0}变量就被上下文的元素所取代&处非它使用单引号括住。

    If the constraint has a message associated with it ( through the Message Id ), the { 0 } variable in the message is substituted by the context element & unless it is between single quotes .

  22. 根据句法,在URI字符串前后使用引号(单引号或双引号),并用冒号将前缀分隔开;对其它字符没有任何规定。

    Syntactically , you use quotes ( single or double ) around the URI string , and a colon to set off the prefix ; other characters present no interference .

  23. 人名放在单引号中,后面是“(qv)”;很容易用正则表达式寻找这种格式。

    A name in single quotes , followed by "( qv )", is easily spotted by a regular expression .

  24. 在Python中,您可以使用多个方法很容易地创建字符串,其中包括使用单引号、双引号或更灵活的方式,即使用一组三个引号。

    You can easily create strings in Python by using several techniques , including using single or double quotation marks or , for more flexibility , using a set of three quotation marks ( the triple quote ) .

  25. 最后我使用了单引号的ASCII值-39,将单引号放在$quote变量中,并用它进行间接置换。

    I finally used the ASCII value for a single quote , 39 , to put a single quote in the $ quote variable , and use it indirectly in the substitution .

  26. 当您设置MCAUSER属性的值时,应该将值包括在单引号中,以避免分布式平台上的区分大小写问题。

    When you set a value for the MCAUSER attribute , enclose the value in single quotes to avoid issues with case sensitivity on distributed platforms .

  27. 如果输入包含由单引号或双引号保护的空格,或使用了斜杠进行转义,那么xargs将不在遇到这些空格时中断。

    If the input contains blanks that are protected by single or double quotes , or by backslash escaping , then xargs will not break the input at such points .

  28. 另一方面,stockDate列是一个日期列;它需要您将日期括在单引号中以正确解析出正确的日、月和年信息。

    The stockDate column , on the other hand , is a date column ; it requires you to pass in dates in single quotes to properly parse out the correct day , month , and year information .

  29. 单引号插入并将反斜杠看作是转义符。

    Single quotation marks interpolate and see the backslashes as escape characters .

  30. 字符串与时间数据在使用时通常被一对单引号标记着。

    Character strings and Date values are enclosed by single quotation marks .