
fēng táng
  • maple sugar
枫糖[fēng táng]
  1. 枫糖是由枫树的树液制成的。

    Maple sugar is made from the sap of maple trees .

  2. 他儿时去过的一个枫糖小屋、加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯科技界的一些朋友建造的霍比特式小屋社区鳟鱼峡谷(TroutGulch),还有阿迪朗达克山区一户人家修建的蒙古包村,也都是克莱恩灵感的来源。

    Other touchstones included a maple sugar shanty he once visited as a child , a community of Hobbitlike tiny houses called Trout Gulch built by some tech friends in Santa Cruz , Calif. , and a yurt village built by a family in the Adirondacks .

  3. 加拿大著名的枫糖浆失窃案就是一个很好的例证。2012年,在加拿大一家全球战略性枫糖浆储备处(GlobalStrategicMapleSyrupReserve,不要怀疑,真的有这个机构),大约有600万磅(270万公斤)枫糖浆失窃。

    Take the case of the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist of 2012 , in which 6 million pounds ( 2.7 million kilograms ) of syrup were stolen from the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve ( yes , that 's a thing ) .

  4. 好的享受还是午饭过后吃枫糖太妃。

    The special treat was to eat maple toffee after meal .

  5. 再往后是枫糖、罐头、陶器。

    Then maple-sugar ; then canned goods ; then crockery .

  6. 枫糖那种,是吗?对,所以(嗯?)

    The maple kind , yeah ? Yes , so ( Yeah ?)

  7. 卡斯特人赶紧锁好你们的枫糖啊我们这儿抓到加拿大人啦

    Lock up your maple , Custer . we 've got Canadians here

  8. 你熟悉熬糖制作枫糖的过程吗?

    Are you familiar with the process of sugaring off ?

  9. 他们还有苹果、坚果、枫糖和蜂蜜。

    They also had apples , nuts , maple sugar , and honey .

  10. 你觉得浇上黄油和枫糖的法式吐司是谁做的?

    Who do you think made the French toast with butter and syrup ?

  11. 目的探讨枫糖对小鼠抗运动疲劳能力的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of maple syrup on fatigue resistance in mice .

  12. 你知道那培根像是枫糖口味的?

    You know that bacon thats like maple ?

  13. 他们喝光了枫糖汁吃完了廉价的药物他们完全颠覆了传统

    drunk off their maple syrup and cheap pharmaceuticals , and completely flipped the paradigm .

  14. 我还吃了枫糖,那是佛蒙特州的特产。

    I also ate maple sugar candy , which is a special candy made in Vermont .

  15. 它有枫糖味。

    Its got maple flavor .

  16. 我早上醒来,享用了浇上黄油和枫糖的法式吐司。

    Uh , I wake up . Uh , I enjoy some French toast with butter and syrup .

  17. 每年三四月间,加拿大传统的民间节日枫糖节在魁北克和安大略举行。

    In March and April every year , the Canadian Maple Syrup Festival , a traditional folk festival was held in Quebec and Ontario .

  18. 在魁北克,每到此时,喜欢枫糖浆的人就云集这里,去当地的“枫糖小屋”过过瘾。

    In Quebec , each time , people loving maple syrup gathered here , having fun in the local " maple sugar house " .

  19. 同时做好酱汁:把鸡汤、枫糖糖浆、醋和半勺盐混合到小碗里。

    Meanwhile , make the glaze : Mix the chicken broth , maple syrup , vinegar and 1 / 2 teaspoon salt in a small bowl .

  20. 噢,不!我们得写信给泰龙,叫他6月从加拿大回来的时候,顺便带些枫糖回来。

    Oh , no ! We 'll have to write to Taiyo and ask him to bring some back with him when he returns from Canada this june .

  21. 三周前,他们开始出售4美元一支的冰棍。冰棍由椰奶、覆盆子酱、石榴汁、枫糖和骨汤制成。

    Three weeks ago , they began selling a $ 4 popsicle made with coconut milk , raspberry puree , pomegranate juice , maple sugar , and bone broth .

  22. 许多家庭很享受早春时节拜访枫糖“棚屋”,特别在乡社,枫树汁液被放入一个敞开平底锅内,等待枫糖浆煮沸。

    Many families enjoy a visit in early spring to a maple sugar " shack ," the special rustic building where sap from maple trees is boiled in a large open pan to make maple syrup .

  23. 有些新泽西的酒店为吸引中国游客还扩展了自助早餐食谱,在经典的美式早餐枫糖华夫饼之外增添了中国人喜欢的稀饭等食品,温德汉姆花园酒店正是这么做的。

    Some New Jersey hotels , like the Wyndham Garden , have expanded their breakfast buffets to appeal to Chinese guests , serving such Chinese favorites as the rice porridge congee alongside American standards like waffles with maple syrup .