
  • 网络marianne;Marian;Mary Ann;Marion;MaryAnn
  1. 西蒙布莱克(simonblack)与妻子玛丽安(marianne)初次见到上海的家时,那房子的情形,一句话糟透了。

    When Simon black and his wife Marianne first saw their Shanghai home , its condition was , in a word , horrible .

  2. 摩根大通首席财务官玛丽安•雷克(MarianneLake)表示,这一法律费用针对许多事项,确实包含我们对外汇市场调查的最佳估计。

    Marianne Lake , chief financial officer , said the legal charge covered a number of matters and did include our best estimate for FX .

  3. 玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心去寻求新的天地。

    Marian retains a restless , youthful spirit , in search of new horizons .

  4. 埃莉诺被玛丽安的凄惶与呜咽声惊醒,首先发现了她。

    Elinor , roused from sleep by her agitation and sobs , first perceived her .

  5. 乖乖!露西?玛丽安,讲大声一点!我最讨厌小孩子说话咕咕哝哝的

    For goodness'sakes , Lucy Marian , speak up ! I can 't abide children who mumble .

  6. 近些年来,像加拿大的本•约翰逊(BenJohnson)和美国的玛丽安•琼斯(MarionJones)这些摘得奥运金牌的短跑名将都因后来被证实使用了违禁药品而被取消了荣誉。

    Recent gold-medal stars like the sprinters Ben Johnson of Canada and Marion Jones of the U.S. were stripped of their Olympic glory after they were convicted of using illegal substances .

  7. 《总是看起来很好》(LookGoodNowAndAlways)一书的作者、形象顾问玛丽安•罗斯柴尔德(MarianRothschild)表示,对于专业人士而言,通过对生活方式的轻微调整来营造有钱有势的形象,通常都是一项不错的长期投资。

    Image consultant Marian Rothschild , author of the book Look Good Now And Always , said making small lifestyle changes to give the appearance of wealth or power can often prove to be a good long-term investment for professionals .

  8. 正是在这一时期,玛丽安(Marianne,法国自由女神&译者注)成为法国的标志,7月14日被定为法国国庆节,并修建了埃菲尔铁塔。

    It was in this era that Marianne became the symbol of France , July 14 was chosen as the national day and the Eiffel Tower was built .

  9. 法国革命与自由的象征是一个裸胸或半裸胸的女子,名叫玛丽安(Marianne),她的雕像和浮雕仍然可以在政府文件、建筑和邮票上看到。

    Sculptures and reliefs of a bare-breasted or semi-bare-breasted Marianne , a French symbol of the revolution and liberty , can still be found on government documents , buildings and postal stamps .

  10. 玛丽安梦想成为音乐家,做一名歌手。

    Marian had dreams of becoming a musician , a folksinger .

  11. “你说她吻什么来着?”玛丽安问。

    ' What did you see her doing ? 'asked Marian .

  12. 玛丽安替姐姐感到很窘。

    Marianne was vexed at it for her sister 's sake .

  13. 玛丽安:不,你知道的,我不爱好音乐。

    Marianne : No , you know I 'm not musical .

  14. “他不是上教堂去的,”玛丽安说。

    ' He 's not going to church , 'said Marian .

  15. 玛丽安看到取悦于姐姐这么容易,禁不住也乐了。

    Marianne was rejoiced to find her sister so easily pleased .

  16. 等他离开饭厅,玛丽安再次打开电视。

    When he left the room Maryam switched it back on .

  17. 你就要嫁给他了!玛丽安说。

    ' You are going to marry him !' said Marian .

  18. 毫无疑问,我永远失去了玛丽安。

    Eg. Marianne to be sure is lost to me forever .

  19. 这时,玛丽安就会呼唤我:“马拉拉,马拉拉。”

    Then Maryam would say , ' Malala , Malala . '

  20. 玛丽安万年青的茎尖培养与快速繁殖

    Shoot apex culture and rapid propagation of Dieffenbachia Tropic Marianne

  21. 所有这些安排自然都瞒过了玛丽安的耳目。

    Marianne was of course kept in ignorance of all these arrangements .

  22. 埃丽诺,那的确是玛丽安的头发。

    But , indeed , Elinor , it is Marianne 's.

  23. 起先,他以问候玛丽安为借口。

    To enquire after Marianne was at first his excuse ;

  24. 玛丽安没再说什么,但看上去他受到了极大的刺激。

    Marianne said no more , but looked exceedingly hurt .

  25. 你不是说玛丽安在飞机上吗?

    I thought you said Marianne was on a plane .

  26. 玛丽安我给个机会你坦白。

    Marian , I 'm giving you a chance to come clean .

  27. 玛丽安,你有很多机会可以救她。

    Mary ann , you could have saved her anytime you liked .

  28. 玛丽安的圆脸本来就是粉红色的,红色的羞晕在上面显现不出来。

    Marian 's full face could not blush past its chronic pinkness .

  29. 玛丽安对她姐姐的一再恳求反对了一阵,然后就屈服了。

    After some opposition , Marianne yielded to her sister 's entreaties .

  30. 玛丽安小姐别想独霸所有的男人。她若是不当心,布兰登会吃醋的。

    Brandon will be jealous , if she does not take care .