
  1. 这种脱节,是衣帽间设计缺乏室内环境整体性导致的必然结果,因此,只有从衣帽间的设计本质来解决这一矛盾。

    This disjoint is the inevitable result of cloakroom design with the lack of integrity .

  2. 为发展广州名城中心城区商贸旅游,须创建旅游空间环境整体性的美。

    In order to develop the tourism and business of Guangzhou ′ s central area it is necessary to develop the global beauty of tourist environment .

  3. 第四部分从高层居住建筑形态与住居环境整体性设计的角度出发研究高层居住建筑的空间构成与形体塑造的设计方法。

    The forth part , from the forms of the high-rise residential buildings and the globality of the living environment , studies the ways of the space constitution and the shape design of the high-rise residential buildings .

  4. 探求城市建筑群体与空间环境的整体性

    A Study of the Unity of Urban Architectural Groups and Space Environment

  5. 跨国公司的理财环境具有整体性或系统性、层次性、多变性的特点。

    And this environment has the characteristic of integrity , systematic , level and polytrope .

  6. 小区建筑与环境的整体性已成为时尚追求。

    The integration of the buildings and the environment of the residential district has become a fashion pursued .

  7. 包括与城市生态系统的辩证关系、城市生态环境的整体性、开放性和负荷能力等。

    These includes the dialectical relationship between city ecological environment and city ecological system , the integrity , openness and load-bearing capacity of city ecological environment .

  8. 形神合一理论是中医学的重要学术思想之一,揭示了大脑和全身,人体和外界社会环境的整体性;

    The theory of combination of shape and soul is one of the most important scientific thoughts , which shows the entirety between brain and body , the whole between human body and outside enviroment ;

  9. 纵使海水有流动性,海洋环境具有整体性,但对海洋环境的管理最终要落实到一定区域内,这也使得区域海洋环境管理更具实际意义。

    Although sea water is flowing and the marine environment should be viewed as a whole , the management of the marine environment must ultimately be implemented in the region , which makes regional marine environment management more significant .

  10. 对于生态中心主义理论的质疑在于如何理解“是”与“应该”的关系,生态价值、生态权利的客观性以及生态环境的整体性问题。

    The doubt on theory of eco-centrism lies in how to understand the relationship between " Being " and " Ought to ", and how to understand the objectivity of eco-value and eco-right , and how to understand the entirety of the eco-environment .

  11. 现代意义的历史文化遗产保护从20世纪初开始发展至今,文物古迹的保护理论与技术发展已较为成熟,而对历史地区、历史村落等历史环境的整体性保护研究起步相对较晚。

    In the modern sense of the historical and cultural heritage conservation from the early 20th century , heritage conservation theory and technology development have mature developed , while the integrity conservation research of the historic environment as historic areas and historic villages started relatively late .

  12. 高校校园环境的整体性是高校校园规划设计的关键,中心和边缘理应并重,但在实际设计过程中,高校校园的边缘往往被忽视。

    The integration of the campus environment is a key conception in the campus planning of colleges and universities , and equal attention should be paid to the region of edge and the center . But in design practice , the region of campus edge is usually neglected .

  13. 在水化学背景监测当中,洞内滴水阴离子变化的同步性也证明了洞穴环境的整体性,但数值范围不同及各个滴水点滴率的不同步性,表明洞内滴水管道的复杂性。

    In the hydro-chemistry monitoring , the synchronization change of anion of drip water is also the evidence for the integrity of cave environment , but the different ranges of data and unsynchronized drip velocity in each site is the evidence for the complication of drip water channel .

  14. 在可信计算技术的应用中,不仅可以使用它来提高终端计算环境的整体安全性,同时还可以把可信计算技术与网络链接技术相结合,从而形成一种称之为TNC的技术。

    And trusted computing not only improve the credibility of the terminal computing environments , but also extend trusted environment from operating system to the network , forming a trusted network connection , named TNC technology .

  15. 城镇空间环境规划的整体性

    Global Consciousness in Planning Space Environment of City and Town

  16. 试论地理环境结构的整体性与差异性

    A Brief Comment on Integration and Difference of the Structure of Geographical Environment

  17. 可信技术是一种以硬件安全模块为基础、以提高终端计算环境的整体安全性为目的的信息安全技术。

    Trusted computing is a hardware security module based on an information security technology to improve the security of the terminal computing environments .

  18. 自然环境美具有整体性、功能性、具体的对象性、实体的精神性、空间的稳定性及时间的变易性等特殊性。

    The beauty of natural environment has some specific features of wholeness , function , concrete object , substantial spirit , stable space , and changeable time .

  19. 在每个迁移和随后的部署期间,我们将阐释如何轻松地对设置进行微小更改,而不影响最终应用程序环境的整体完整性。

    During each migration and subsequent deployment , we will illustrate the ease with which you can make slight changes to the setup without compromising the overall integrity of the resulting application environment .

  20. 二者都代表了对整体要素之间关系的特定理解,从而共同强调了人体以及人体与环境之间的有机整体性。

    Both of them conceive particular connotations on relationships between one another of foe organs , simultaneously stressing on organic entity inside human they and between human body and its surroundings .

  21. 教育生态分类是基于教育生态分析研究方式而形成的注重分类结果之间以及分类结果与其生态环境之间联系的整体性、功能性教育生态研究方法。

    The " ecological classification of education " is an ecological research method based on the " ecological analysis of education " that emphasizes the relation between the classification results and between the classification result and their environment .

  22. 综上所述,适应指的是对区域环境球环境系统的整体性适应、综合适应,而不是孤立的、片面的,可持续发展也应该是这样。

    In summary , the adaptation is to adapt to regional environmental integrity of the global environmental system , integrated adaptation , rather than isolated , one-sided , sustainable development should also be so .

  23. 壁画与环境全方位的协调体现了公共环境艺术的文化整体性。

    And the omni directional coordination of mural and environment incarnates the whole culture characteristic of the public environment art .

  24. 间接外部环境通过直接外部环境影响企业,从而使企业外部环境表现出整体性与层次性的统一。

    Enterprise external environment is a unity of entirety and hierarchy , which is justified by the fact that the indirect external environment has an influence on an ( enterprise ) via its effects on the direct external environment .

  25. 环境主流化是指在核心的制度设计和决策方面的环境考虑的整体性。

    Environmental mainstreaming is considering the integrity of environmental in core of the system design and decision-making .

  26. 环境教育案例教学的理论基础包括知识基础、心理学基础和教育学基础:环境科学具有整体性和开放性的特点,为案例教学提供素材,是知识基础;

    The theoretical basis of case method of the instruction to environment education consists of knowledge basis , psychology basis and pedagogy basis . The knowledge basis is environment science , which characterized by totality and opening .

  27. 人们在看待环境艺术和与之相关的雕塑、壁画等艺术形式时,更重视艺术品的意义、环境的整体性、艺术品与建筑环境的结合,以及人与空间场所的关系。

    When enjoying the works of art such as sculptures and murals , people attach great importance to the meaning of art , the combination of entire environment , the relationship between works of art and architectural environment , as well as the relation of human and space .