
huán jǐng zhì
  • ring-necked pheasant
环颈雉[huán jǐng zhì]
  1. 环颈雉胃的血供

    A Study of the Gastric Blood Vessels of the Ring-necked Pheasant

  2. 华北地区野生环颈雉集群行为的研究

    Studies on the aggregating behaviour of wild ring-necked pheasant

  3. Cd在环颈雉体内的分布规律为:肾>胸骨>股骨>肝>肺>胸肌>心>股肌。

    Cadmium distri-bution pattern conforms to the order : Kidney > Sternum > Femur > Liver > Lungs > Heart > Pectoral muscle > Femoral muscle .

  4. 饲料转化效率(F/G)随着环颈雉周龄的增长而降低,在适宜饲粮蛋白质水平下随着CP的提高而提高。

    Feed conversion ratio ( F / G ) was lower with increased weeks of age and was raised with increased cp level .

  5. 试验结果表明,环颈雉中雏期饲喂添加赖氨酸和蛋氨酸饲粮时,适宜CP水平应为21%(ME:2970kcal/kg)。

    The results showed that if ration was added with lysine and methinoine from 4 weeks old to 12 weeks old , optimum ration cp level was 20 % ( ME : 2970Kcal / kg ) .

  6. 环颈雉中雏期饲粮适宜蛋白质水平的研究

    A study on adequate ration protein level of growing ringnecked pheasants

  7. 云南环颈雉的人工养殖和生产发展状况

    Artificial breeding and commodity production of ring necked Pheasant in Yunnan

  8. 随机选取7日龄健康环颈雉雏雉72只,分成3组,每组24只。

    Seventy two young pheasants were randomly divided into 3 groups .

  9. 蜡样芽胞杆菌在环颈雉肠道内定植的研究

    Study on the plantation of Bacillus cereus in intestine of common pheasant

  10. 环颈雉与原鸡早期生长性能的比较研究

    Comparison of Ring Necked Pheasants and Jungle Fowl in Early Growth Performance

  11. 不同酶制剂组合在环颈雉育雏中的应用效果

    Effect of Applying Different Combinations of Enzyme Preparations on Raising Young Pheasants

  12. 日粮中添加酶制剂对环颈雉繁殖机能影响的研究

    Study on the effects of enzyme preparations supplementation on breeding performance of pheasants

  13. 中国环颈雉肌内脂肪相关候选基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Candidate Genes Related to Intramuscular Fat in Pheasant

  14. 环颈雉卵的某些生物学特征研究

    Biological characters of the eggs of ring-necked pheasant

  15. 酶制剂对环颈雉日粮营养代谢的影响初探

    Primary Study on the Effects of Enzyme Preparations on Nutrient Metabolism in Diets of Pheasants

  16. 宁夏六盘山自然保护区环颈雉秋季栖息地的选择

    Autumn Habitat Selection of Common Pheasant ( Phasianus colchicus ) in Liupan Mountain National Nature Reserve

  17. 野禽环颈雉卵人工孵化中人工助产新技术研究

    An Exploration of new Techniques to Help Production in the Artificial Incubation of the Wild Birds ' Eggs

  18. 各试验组环颈雉日粮粗纤维表观代谢率均明显高于对照组;

    The apparent metabolic rates of crude fibre for each experimental group of pheasants was significantly higher than that for control ;

  19. 通过对鹌鹑卵的孵化实验证明,提高孵化后期湿度,孵化率显著提高,应用在环颈雉、鹧鸪等野禽类中,具有同样的效。

    Experiments on quail eggs show that incubation rates can be raised remarkably by raising the humidity in the later period of incubation .

  20. 更多三月底秦岭行的环颈雉照片(此亚种没有白颈环)。

    More photos of Common Pheasant from the trip of Qinling Mountains at the end of March ( this sub-species has no white neck ring ) .

  21. 本文对采自太原工业区环颈雉不同组织中的铁、镍、镉、锌、铜、锰的含量进行了测定,并对以上元素在环颈雉不同组织中的分布规律进行了研究。

    Tissues taken from ring-necked pheasants were analyzed for iron , nickel , cadmium , zinc , copper and manganese . The birds were taken from an industrialized region of Taiyuan City .