
  • 网络modernist literature
  1. 维吾尔年轻人跟现代派文学接触主要有两种途径。

    Young Uyghur writers were introduced to modernist literature via two routes .

  2. 西方现代派文学的神话倾向

    Mythical Trend of the Western Modernist Literature

  3. 象征:西方现代派文学的表意追求

    Symbol : on the Idea-expression of Literature of Western Modern Schools

  4. 卡夫卡是西方现代派文学的奠基人和代表作家。

    Kafka is the founder and representative writer of Western modernistic literature .

  5. 现代派文学背景中的20世纪中国浪漫主义思潮

    The Chinese 20th Century Romanticism in the Context of the Modernistic Literature

  6. 西方现代派文学一个普遍的主题是:寻找自我。

    Self-identity is a common theme in modern Western literature .

  7. 西方现代派文学的真正源头

    The Real Source of Modernistic Literature in the West

  8. 现代派文学的死亡倾向

    Tendency to Discuss about Death in Modern Literature

  9. 论美国现代派文学的发轫

    On the Emergence of Modernism in American Literature

  10. 非理性主义思潮与现代派文学

    The Trends of Irrationalism and Literature of Modernism

  11. 台湾现代派文学思潮的崛起

    The Rise of Taiwanese Modernistic Literature Ideology

  12. 台湾现代派文学思潮批判

    Criticism Against Modernist Literature Ideology in Taiwan

  13. 威廉·加迪斯(1922&1998)在美国后现代派文学中占有重要地位。

    William Gaddis ( 1922-1998 ) occupies a very important position in postmodern American literature .

  14. 陀思妥耶夫斯基:社会危机的预言家&陀思妥耶夫斯基的创作主题与现代派文学

    The Prophet of the Social Crisis & the Subject Depicted by Dostoevsky and Modernist School Literature

  15. 20世纪西方现代派文学的总体特征是反传统。

    The general characteristic of the western modernist literature in the 20th century is anti traditional .

  16. 现代派文学的正统与反叛

    The Orthodoxy and Rebellion in Modernism

  17. 但这并不意味着中国现代派文学纯粹是一种横向移植过来的仿造物;

    However , it doesn 't mean that Chinese Modernism is the mimic of its western counterpart .

  18. 西方现代派文学中的形而上

    The Metaphysical in Modernist Literature

  19. 美国当代著名作家约瑟夫·海勒(1923-1999)在西方现代派文学黑色幽默这一流派中享有盛誉。

    Joseph Heller ( 1923-1999 ), a modern American writer , gains world fame with Black Humor .

  20. 中国的现代派文学是在西方现代主义直接影响下产生并成长起来的,必须承认这是中国现代派文学的最直接的影响源。

    Chinese Modernism is growing up under the influence of western one , we have to admit this .

  21. 20世纪西方现代派文学是人类文明发展的产物。

    The western modernist literature of the 20th century is the product of the development of human civilization .

  22. 怎样为中国现代派文学的种种选择找到一个合理的解释?

    How to find a re a son a ble expl a n a tion of Chinese Modernism ?

  23. 20世纪西方现代派文学具有反传统的精神实质。

    The modernist school literature of the west in the 20th century has the spiritual substance of counter tradition .

  24. 并且,中国现代派文学在接受外来影响的同时表现出强劲的主动选择的姿态。

    What 's more , when facing outer influence , Chinese Modernism presented us with a strong posture of initiative choice .

  25. 就它与西方现代主义文学的差异而言,中国现代派文学无疑提供了一种现代主义的新形式。

    As far as the difference between Western Modernism , Chinese Modernism undoubted has provided us with a new shape of Modernism .

  26. 相反,它的存在有它最具本土性的内在根源,这才是考察中国现代派文学应当具有的一种意识。

    On the contrary , its existence has its local origin , which is the right way to think about this problem .

  27. 因此,西方现代派文学的真正源头,应是法国诗人波德莱尔发表《恶之花》的1957年。

    Therefore , the source of the real modernistic literature ought to be1957 when Charles Baudelair had his Les Fleus du mal published .

  28. 弗兰茨.卡夫卡是奥地利著名作家,20世纪西方现代派文学之父,表现主义文学大师。

    Famous Austrian writer , Franz Kafka , is the literary father of the contemporary western era , the literary master of expressionism .

  29. 被尊为西方现代派文学鼻祖的卡夫卡以其独特的生存方式言说着他的生命和灵魂。

    Kafka who was respected as the ancestor of the West Modern literature showed his own life and soul by a special living style .

  30. 现代都市是现代派文学产生的摇篮,20世纪初的上海提供了孕育现代派文学的文化语境。

    Modern metropolis is the cradle of modernistic literature . In the beginning of the 20th century , Shanghai provided cultural context for modernistic literature .