
xiàn xiànɡ xué
  • phenomenology
  1. 斯蒂文·霍尔(StevenHoll)是当今美国著名建筑师,是将现象学理论成功运用于建筑设计理论和设计实践中的代表人物。

    Steven Holl , famous contemporary American architect , is a representative of applying phenomenology successfully to architectural theory and practice .

  2. 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;

    In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 's Phenomenology of Mind , Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind : the subjective mind , the mind of an individual ;

  3. MATLAB在内燃机现象学燃烧分析模型中的应用

    Application of MATLAB numberical computation in a phenomenological combustion model analyses

  4. 同时对柴油/天然气内燃机建立了两区现象学燃烧分析模型,并利用该方法实现了MATLAB程序设计。

    A two - zone phenomenological combustion model is developed for the diesel / natural gas dual fuel engine , and the program is completed with the method based on MATLAB .

  5. 让·保罗·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre,1905-1980)是20世纪最著名的哲学家和文学家,他的想象现象学、存在主义哲学在其美学、文学理论和创作实践中都有深刻的体现,并具有广泛的影响。

    Jean-Paul Sartre ( 1905-1980 ) is known as a most outstanding philosopher and writer whose imagination phenomenology and existentialism philosophy exert a great influence on his aesthetics 、 literary theory and literary works .

  6. 方法采用质性研究中现象学研究的方法,对10位消化道恶性肿瘤的患者进行了半结构式访谈,用Colaizzi法对采集资料进行分析。

    Methods Half-constructive interview was committed to 10 patients suffered from malignant digestive tumors . The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method of Phenomena observation in qualitative study .

  7. 本论文尝试运用了现代西方现象学与解释学理论的视界融合(Horizintverschmelzung)观点来解释社会现象,尽力做到历史的真实和历史理解的真实的统一。

    The literary theory of phenomenology and hermeneutics , especially the viewpoint of " horizintverschmelzung " is applied in the thesis to explain some social phenomena in order to combine the real history with the real historical understanding .

  8. 黑格尔与胡塞尔:两种现象学方法之比较

    A Comparative Study of Hegel 's Phenomenology and Husserl 's Phenomenology

  9. 现象学是质的教育研究范式的重要理论基础。

    Phenomenology is the important theoretic basis in qualitative educational research .

  10. 私人语言的不可能和现象学还原的困境

    The Impossibility of Private Language and the Predicament of Phenomenological Reduction

  11. 关于高年资护理人员职业疲溃感现象学研究

    The Study on the Professional Fatigued Phenomenon of High Qualification Nurse

  12. 从现象学的视角,本文来重新审视美与日常生活的关联,因为美的活动正是介于日常生活与非日常生活之间的。

    The text investigates Phenomenological relation between Beauty and everyday life .

  13. 身体二是以批判现象学为主的福柯等提出的作为文化建构的身体,即文化身体;

    The second is the cultural body , from Michel Foucault ;

  14. 教育学中具体的人&现象学的视域

    The concrete person in pedagogy & In the perspective of phenomenology

  15. 患者对本科护生实习评价的现象学研究

    A phenomenology study of evaluation the nursing students by the patients

  16. 氧化-还原电位理论说脱硫现象学的还原

    Study on the desulphurization with the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Electric Potential

  17. 这是现象学的本体论转向的第二个维度。

    This constituted the second aspect of ontological shift of phenomenology .

  18. 如何理解胡塞尔现象学的本质直观

    On how to understand " Wesenserschauung " in Husserl 's phenomenology

  19. 本文首先对表述与含义进行了现象学的分析。

    First , this paper analyses Expression and Meaning by phenomenology analysis .

  20. 欧洲科学的危机与先验现象学思考

    Thought on the Crisis of Science in Europe and the Transcendental Phenomenon

  21. 马克思和《精神现象学》&一个历史主义的文本学分析

    Marx and The Phenomenology of the Spirit : A Historical Textual Reading

  22. 硼氢化钠固相还原反应的研究现象学的还原

    Studies on the reducing reaction of NaBH_4 in solid phase

  23. 现象学燃烧模型是一种准维模型。

    Phenomenological combustion model is a kind of quasi dimensional combustion model .

  24. 建筑现象学研究&以上海人民广场为例

    To study architecture phenomenology & As Shanghai people square for an example

  25. 现代主义的空间神话与存在空间的现象学分析

    Myth of Modern Space and Phenomenological Analysis of Existential Space

  26. 电视社教类节目叙事方式的现象学分析

    Phenomenological analysis on the narrative mode of TV programmes on social education

  27. 实践的精神现象学解读&兼与杨春时、苏宏斌先生商榷

    Interpretation of Practice from the Perspective of Phenomenology of Spirit

  28. 现象学的本质直观还原与德国文学思想

    Intuitionistic Restoration of Essence of Phenomenology and German Literature Ideology

  29. 《大学》行政伦理思想及其现代价值舍勒的现象学价值论与伦理相对主义

    The administrative and ethical thinking in great learning and its modern values

  30. 临床教学对护士工作倦怠影响的现象学研究

    Phenomenological study on influence of clinical teaching on job lassitude of nurses