
  • 网络the glass ceiling
  1. 就像“玻璃天花板”一样,“粘地板”是对员工职场挫败的一种比喻。

    Like glass ceiling , sticky floor is a metaphor2 for the occupational frustrations3 of workers .

  2. 很多女性表示,这些限制抵消了她们为争取商业世界中平等地位而付出的努力。草坪天花板与升迁时遭遇的玻璃天花板一样,阻挡了女性在商界前进的步伐。

    Many women say the restrictions " glass ceiling , " the grass ceiling keeps women from advancing in business .

  3. 玻璃天花板队是mba挑战赛6个入围队伍之一。

    The glass ceiling is one of six MBA challenge shortlisted teams .

  4. 玻璃天花板(glassceiling)这个短语的出现已经有整整20年了。作者们认为,这些年来,我们一直在追随着一个错误的比喻。

    It is exactly 20 years since the phrase glass ceiling was coined , and the authors argue that we have been pursuing the wrong metaphor all these years .

  5. 职场女性如今仍会遭遇大量的“玻璃天花板”(glassceiling),不过人们似乎有理由期盼,敢做敢为的科技界会在多元化方面做出表率。

    Women in the workplace still encounter plenty of glass ceilings , but it would be good to think that the go-ahead world of technology is leading the way in diversity .

  6. 7月23日发表的一项最新研究显示,如果一家美国公司的董事会里有几名女性董事,那么,该公司的女性职员将有更多机会冲破玻璃天花板(glassceiling)。

    Women have a much better chance of breaking through the US corporate glass ceiling if they work for companies with several female board directors , according to new research to be published on the 23 July .

  7. 有的妇女确实打破玻璃天花板,进入上层职位,我问成功的总裁caffemacSui她是如何做到的。

    Some women do break the glass ceiling and rise to the top . I asked successful executive caffe mac Sui how she did it .

  8. 反射光打出的LOGO,同时映照在黑色大理石地面与玻璃天花板上,天上地下,别有人间。

    Outgoing reflected light LOGO , at the same time mapping in the black marble floor and glass ceiling , the ground floor of the sky , do not have a human .

  9. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)最近成为了首位被其所在政党提名为总统候选人的女性,打破了政坛剩余的玻璃天花板之一。

    Hillary Clinton smashed one of the remaining glass ceilings in politics this week , when she became the first woman to secure her party 's nomination for US president .

  10. 咨询公司怡安翰威特(AonHewitt)大中华区人才主管AlanPang说,一家中国国有企业招募海归的口号是:加入我们吧,因为我们没有玻璃天花板。

    One Chinese state-owned enterprise recruits sea turtles by saying , ' Come join us because we don 't have a glass ceiling , ' according to Alan Pang , head of talent in greater China for consulting firm Aon Hewitt .

  11. 陈世英最终打破了珠宝世界中的玻璃天花板,2012年,他成了第一个受邀参展巴黎古董双年展(BiennaledesAntiquaires)的亚洲设计师,这是世界顶尖的高端珠宝展览。

    Mr. Chan finally broke through a glass ceiling in the jewelry world when , in 2012 , he became the first Asian designer to be invited to exhibit at the Biennale des Antiquaires in Paris , the world 's premiere haute jewelry exhibition .

  12. 小说家凯西列特(KathyLette)在一篇专栏文章中总结了这种负面情绪,她写道:做女人的麻烦就在于,当你的脑袋撞到玻璃天花板时,同时却还要拿着吸尘器继续干活。

    To sum up the negative mood , the novelist Kathy Lette wrote a column saying the trouble with being a woman was that you banged your head on the glass ceiling while doing the Hoovering at the some time .

  13. 检方表示,在巴鲁克学院的案例中,19岁的邓俊贤(ChunHsienDeng,音)在参加名为“玻璃天花板”的仪式后死亡。他被蒙住双眼并且背负一个装满沙子的背包,尝试穿越结冰的庭院。

    In the Baruch case , Chun Hsien Deng , 19 , died after a ritual known as the " glass ceiling , " in which he was tackled by fraternity members while blindfolded and weighed down with a sand-filled backpack as he tried to cross a frozen yard , prosecutors said .

  14. 性别歧视与性别人力资本投资差异的纠结&知识女性玻璃天花板现象的深层解释

    The Entanglement of Gender Discrimination and Gender Human Capital Investment Difference

  15. 但尽管如此,玻璃天花板依然存在。

    But even so , the glass ceiling is still there .

  16. 论性别不平等在中国女性就业领域的影响因素及对策&玻璃天花板效应分析

    The Influence of Gender Inequalities in Female Employment and Countermeasure

  17. 尽管玻璃天花板依然存在,但一切正在发生改变。

    Even though the ceiling is still there , things are changing .

  18. 她们正在打破各种各样的玻璃天花板。

    They are breaking all kinds of glass ceilings .

  19. 第三部分移开玻璃天花板的政策选择。

    The third part puts aside " the glass ceiling " policy choice .

  20. 今年的5月24日是“玻璃天花板”这一短语提出的40周年纪念日。

    May 24 marks the 40th anniversary of the phrase " glass ceiling . "

  21. 玻璃天花板继续被打碎,但改变步伐迟缓。

    Glass ceilings continue to be smashed but the pace of change is slow .

  22. 在实证研究中,本文将研究在中国,女性是否知觉到玻璃天花板存在?

    This study will research whether the Chinese female have perceived " the glass ceiling "?

  23. 你眼里的玻璃天花板是我的保护墙。

    What you see as a glass ceiling , I see as a protective barrier .

  24. 对于能否最终冲破“玻璃天花板”,提携并非唯一重要的因素。

    Sponsorship is not the only thing that matters in finally breaking the glass ceiling .

  25. 虽然这一次我们没能打破那块最高最硬的玻璃天花板,

    Although we weren 't able to shatter that highest , hardest glass ceiling this time ,

  26. 成功突破玻璃天花板

    Busting through the glass ceiling

  27. 我刚来这里的时候面临巨大困难,我必须冲破玻璃天花板。

    I came to where I jam with great difficulty . I had to break the glass ceiling .

  28. 曾看到很多优秀人才很难做到中层以上、突破那层玻璃天花板。

    I have watched many talented people struggle to advance beyond middle management and through the glass ceiling .

  29. 旅游者们可以通过底座中新建的玻璃天花板欣赏自由女神像的内部。

    Visitors will be able to see the interior of the statue through the pedestal 's new glass ceiling .

  30. 当然,资本主义女权运动还远未取得胜利:一些玻璃天花板似乎坚不可摧。

    Of course , the triumph of capitalist feminism is far from complete : some glass ceilings seem shatter-proof .