
  • 网络frp grating
  1. 玻璃钢格栅在循环水场的应用

    Application of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Grid in Recycle Water Field

  2. 模塑玻璃钢格栅发展趋势

    Development trends of molded FRP grids

  3. 本文介绍了一种拉挤模塑玻璃钢格栅的生产工艺及其力学性能。

    The production process and mechanical properties of pultruled FRP grids are introduced in this paper .

  4. 拉挤模塑玻璃钢格栅聚氨酯生产的模塑方法

    Mold-plastic Ways of Polyurethane Products

  5. 玻璃钢格栅制品拉挤模具的研制模塑玻璃钢格栅发展趋势

    Development and Manufacture of the Drawing Die for the Glass-reinforced Plastic Grille Products DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF MOLDED FRP GRIDS

  6. 产品广泛用于空调列车、高层建筑风道、阻然桥梁、耐高温耐腐蚀玻璃钢容器、管道内衬及阻然防腐海上钻井平台用玻璃钢格栅。

    It is widely used to make ventilation ducts for trains , anti-flammation cable tray , vessels , pipe and inner liners used under high temperature with anti-corrosion request .