
  • class committee
  1. 本周内我们能找个时间召开一次班委会议吗?

    Can we arrange a class committee meeting someday this week ?

  2. 我也正考虑召开一次班委会呢。

    I was thinking of holding a class committee meeting , too .

  3. 作为班委,溪子提醒小周规矩一点。

    As one of the class committee , Xi Zi reminded him to behave himself .

  4. 对于班委群体应重点在班委选举,班委群体规模和班委作用上下功夫;

    Class leadership groups should focus on class leadership election , group size and role ;

  5. 英语课代表,要算所有班委中,最倒霉的一个了吧。

    English lesson representative should count all class , one of the most unlucky bilateral now .

  6. 在高职院校的班级管理中,班委建设极为重要。

    The construction of a class committee is extremely important for the class management in higher vocational colleges .

  7. 党校函授教育必须加强班委会作用和学员自我管理能力

    Performing Student Cadres ' Functions and Improving Students ' Self - Management in the Correspondence Education of the Party School

  8. 我们的班委团结高效,把班级管理得有条不紊,同学们互相关爱积极配合。

    Our committee unites highly and effectively that manages the class methodically . Moreover , we actively cooperate with each other too .

  9. 研究结论指出,班委群体、寝室群体和友谊型群体对教育管理工作绩效影响较大。

    The conclusion of the research is that class leadership groups , dormitory groups and friendship groups have a great impact on it .

  10. 通过订立班级公约、分设班委会权利等途径,可以实现高职生班级管理的改革。

    To make a class contract and to divide authority among class committee can realize the re-form of class management in higher vocational colleges .

  11. 高校学生党支部(党小组)、班委会、团支部三位一体的班级建设模式研究

    The Party Branch or Party Groups , the Class Committee , the Youth League Branch " Three in One " Model in the Construction of the University Class

  12. 那么,在班级建设中运用党支部、团支部、班委会三位一体的班级管理模式成为可能。

    Then , in the class construction , the use of the " three-in-one " class management mode of Party branch , League branch and the class become possible .

  13. 高职院校班委成员整体效能的个性心理学研究整顿,主要是整顿领导班子,整顿作风。

    Personality Psychological Study on the Integrated Efficiency of College Student Leaders ; In the main , it means readjusting the leading bodies and rectifying their style of work .

  14. 毕竟在大学里第一次担任宣传委员,对班委活动还不是很熟悉,希望能得到老师指点和同学的支持。

    This is my first time holding the publicize committee in collage . I am not familiar with activities , so I want to gain the guidance of teachers and the suppot of classmates .

  15. 我既是班长又是学习委员,和班委其他成员紧密配合,共同努力,每年都获得优秀班级奖。

    I was the monitor and a member of the class committee in charge of studies . And I cooperated with the other committee members quite well . As a result of our joint efforts , my class won the Excellent Class Prize every academic year .