
  1. 本章主要从理论和创作主张、编辑理念和广告理念三个方而进行论述。

    This article mainly discourse from the theoretical and creative avocations . the concept of edition and the concept of advertisement .

  2. 通过传递产品信息或者服务理念,广告语言的最终目标是说服潜在的消费者接受某种产品信息和服务理念,以致实施购买行为。

    Through transferring information of the recommended products and beliefs or concepts of certain services , the ultimate purpose of advertising language is to persuade the potential consumers to accept the information or beliefs of the products , and then take some actions to purchase the products .

  3. 客户关系管理理念在期刊广告经营中的运用&兼谈《现代纺织技术》的广告经营策略

    Application of CRM in managing advertisements of journals

  4. 为一个简单动作或符号赋予内涵,这种理念销售和广告人员非常理解。

    Marketing and advertising professionals understand well the idea of taking a simple action or symbol and imbuing it with meaning .

  5. 每个人皆无所不能,这一理念已经成为电视广告的精髓。

    The idea that we can be whatever we want has become the stuff of television commercials .

  6. 个性化设计理念下的网络广告

    The Character Turns the Network that Design the Principle Bottom Advertises

  7. 能决定市场营销时需传达的理念,有与广告公司和作的经验。

    Experience in deciding upon the marketing communication mix and working with agencies .

  8. 随着经济的发展,广告理念的更新,广告人的角色也发生了变化。

    With the economic booming and the society developing , the role of advertiser has a great change , which followed in the wake of the renew of advertising notion .