
qín shī
  • Qin Player;stringed instrument player;accompanist;music master
琴师 [qín shī]
  • [stringed instrument player] 精于弹琴而为乐队伴奏的人;教授琴类乐器的老师

琴师[qín shī]
  1. 春秋时代,有个叫俞伯牙的人,精通音律,琴艺高超,是当时著名的琴师。

    There was a man whose name was Yu Boya . Yu boya famous music master at that time , having a good command of the temperament1 and superb skills in playing the musical instrument .

  2. 一个在西班牙很有名的制琴师。

    A very recognized man in making guitars from spain .

  3. 窍西塔琴师彻夜枯等。

    All night , the penniless Sitar player had waited .

  4. 晚餐时听音乐对于厨师和琴师都是一种侮辱。

    Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist .

  5. 你听说这个在法国的意大利人琴师吗?

    Have you heard this Italian French luthier ?

  6. 待琴师离去,你们就可以在壁炉旁过上一个难忘的夜晚。

    You can enjoy a night in front of the fireplace after the violinist leaves .

  7. 一般我们知道著名制琴师的作品都有自己的签名和日期。

    Typically , we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitars are signed and dated .

  8. 还有很多制琴师评论他或许是现存在欧洲以外作琴中最伟大的制琴家。

    A number of his colleagues rate him as perhaps the greatest living luthier working outside Europe today .

  9. 在这些作坊里,主制琴师对所有的设计,生产和所有部件的组装都有绝对的控制。

    In such shops , the master artisan has full control over design , manufacture of all parts and assembly .

  10. 由德国制琴师克茨制造于18世纪后半叶的米登华德(巴伐利亚)。

    This violin was made by ä gydius Klotz in Mittenwald , Bavaria , Germany in the second half of18th Century .

  11. 那些老式的木器上都有着花和叶的装饰,琴师们坐在过去放置马吕斯的长椅上。

    The old wainscoting was garlanded with foliage and flowers ; the musicians were seated on the sofa on which they had laid Marius down .

  12. 老琴师在归途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,渔家少年将老人安顿在自己的茅舍歇息。

    An old Lute Player falls ill in the wilds , and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage .

  13. 吉他可以由一个琴师在一个小作坊里,用手工工具和一些小工具的如刨子和锯子。

    Guitars can be made by a single luthier in a small shop , using hand tools , and maybe a small router and a band saw .

  14. 我在此地遇到为数出乎意料之多的制琴师,仅管他们的设备简陋,却以着极大的热诚和智慧来工作。

    I met a surprising number of folk instrument makers , all of whom worked with great love and resourcefulness , and in spite of rudimentary facilities .

  15. 从师范学校毕业后我曾跟随演出团两年,担任电子琴师、独唱演员、戏曲演员等;后又考入本科进行民族声乐方面的学习。

    After graduating from Normal School performing group for two years the author has followed , as the keyboard player , solo performer , drama and actor ; later admitted to the college to national vocal learning .

  16. 如果你不想晚上活动,那么不妨来一次别致的烛光晚餐,还要请位琴师,以便在优雅的小夜曲中与她共进晚餐并在餐后浪漫地举杯谈心。

    If you do not want to go out for the night , you might think about making a special dinner with candle lights and rent a violinist to serenade you during your and after dinner drinks .

  17. 南宋爱国遗民汪元量,身兼宫廷琴师和御用文人的双重身份,亲身经历了宋室由衰落到覆亡的历史变迁,在元朝统治下亦生活了一段时期。

    Wang Yuan-liang is patriotic in the Southern Song Dynasty , also as the dual identity of palace stringed-instrument player and hired scribbler , experience room Song is it to historical changes that fall , live a life first period also under not ruling Yuan Dynasty to decline .