
  1. 抚州采茶戏音乐研究

    The Study of Music of Tea-leaf Picking Opera in Fuzhou

  2. 按照历史发展进程的时间顺序,本文将抚州采茶戏的发展分为三个阶段性时期:孕育成型期、发展成熟期和当代现状。

    It was orderly divided into three periods : molding period , developing period and modern period .

  3. 其中曲调程式性特征指从抚州采茶戏音乐的音阶、调式、调性及旋律形态等方面归纳出的具有规律性的曲调特征;

    The formulaic character of melody is concluded by the musical scale , pentatonic modes Tonality and melody .

  4. 抚州采茶戏语言作为一种特殊的社会方言,是在抚州方言的基础上,依书面化和官话化而形成的。

    As a special social dialect , the language of Tea-Leaf Picking Opera in Fuzhou is based on Fuzhou dialect as " in writing " and " Mandarin " formed .

  5. 本文以抚州采茶戏音乐为对象,从历史、音乐形态、代表剧目、文化语境四个不同的维度,就这一剧种音乐进行分析与研究。

    Content : This dissertation is mainly focus on " Music of Fuzhou Tea-leaf Picking Opera " which based on four different points of view : history , musical configuration , typical work and culture context .