
  • 网络Fuxian Lake
  1. 用环境磁学磁化率方法研究历史地震&抚仙湖地区重要历史地震事件的检验与发现

    Studying historical earthquake by a method of environmental magnetic susceptibility & check and discovery of historical seismic events in area of Fuxian Lake

  2. 基于DEM的抚仙湖流域土壤侵蚀综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis of the Soil Erosion in Fuxian Lake Basin Based on DEM

  3. 抚仙湖型有一个大单-点飞行甲板去支援一架中-型直升飞机,像是Z-8和卡-28,但是没有机库。

    Fuxianhu has a large single-spot flight deck to support one medium-size helicopter such as Z-8 and Ka-28 , but has no hanger .

  4. 抚仙湖外来鱼类生活史对策的适应性进化研究

    Adaptive Evolution in Life-History Strategies of Invasive Fishes in Lake Fuxian

  5. 近50年来抚仙湖重金属污染的沉积记录

    Recent fifty-year sedimentary record of heavy metal pollution in the Fuxian Lake

  6. 抚仙湖水质现状对两栖动物生存的影响初探

    Influence of the Water Quality of Lake Fuxian on Amphibians ' Existence

  7. 抚仙湖湖区城镇与环境协调发展策略

    The Strategy of Harmonious Environment and City Development in Fuxian Lake Area

  8. 抚仙湖水体中芳香烃、卤代烃及有机氯农药残留量的研究

    The Study on the Residual Levels of Aromatic Hydrocarbon , Halohydrocarbon and

  9. 抚仙湖湖滨带生态治理工程的探讨

    Inquiry on ecological treatment project of the lakeside zone of Lake Fuxian

  10. 人类活动对抚仙湖生态系统的影响及其保护对策

    Effect of Human Activities on Fuxian Lake Ecosystem and Its Protection Measures

  11. 抚仙湖东岸海镜&居乐段污染控制与湖滨带生态修复工程

    Contamination Control and Aquatic-terrestrial Ecological Restoration of Eastern Beach of Fuxian Lake

  12. 抚仙湖是我国已知的第二深水湖泊。

    And Fuxian Lake is the second deepest lake as we know .

  13. 抚仙湖沿岸饭店营销现状及思考

    The Marketing Situation & Reflection of Restaurants on the Shore of Fuxian Lake

  14. 抚仙湖水质的诱变性及其诱变因素分析

    Mutagenicity and Its Affecting Factors of Fuxian Lake Water

  15. 界定抚仙湖保护管理范围

    Identification of the Management Scope for FuXian Lake Protection

  16. 抚仙湖北岸景观生态建设

    Eco-Spectacle Construction on the Northern Bank of Fuxian Lake

  17. 抚仙湖浮游植物群落结构、分布及其影响因子

    Structure , distribution and its impact factors of phytoplankton community in Fuxian Lake

  18. 云南抚仙湖湖滨带复合湿地的脱氮效果分析

    Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of Integrated Constructed Wetland in Riparian Zone of Fuxian Lake

  19. 玉溪市抚仙湖沿岸景观生态建设规划

    On the Landscape and Ecological Planning Along Fuxian Lake

  20. 抚仙湖太湖新银鱼的生长特性及其渔业利用

    The growth features of NEOSALANX taihuensis in Lake Fuxian and its Fisheries Utilization

  21. 抚仙湖区域旅游开发与湖泊可持续发展研究

    Tourism Development and Sustainable Development in Fuxian Lake Area

  22. 复合型人工湿地对抚仙湖入湖河道污水中氮的去除

    Nitrogen Removal by Integrated Constructed Wetland in the Rivers Following to Fuxian Lake

  23. 抚仙湖流域农业面源污染控制研究

    Research on Agricultural Area-source Pollution Control in Fuxian Lake

  24. 抚仙湖入湖河流水质调查分析

    Analysis of Water in Tributaries of Fuxian Lake

  25. 抚仙湖垂向水质状况及特征研究

    A Study on the Vertical Water Quality and the Water Characteristics in Fuxian Lake

  26. 云南抚仙湖沉水植物分布及群落结构特征

    Distribution and Community Structure Characteristics of Submerged Macrophytes in Lake Fuxian , Yunnan Province

  27. 抚仙湖环境现状分析

    The Current Situation Analyses of Fuxian Lake

  28. 抚仙湖流域综合治理规划方案研究

    Comprehensive Treatment Planning of Fuxian Lake Catchment

  29. 抚仙湖浮游甲壳动物群落结构与空间分布

    Community structure and spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton in Lake Fuxian , Yunnan , China

  30. 现行的《抚仙湖管理条例》没有对抚仙湖保护管理范围作明确的界定。

    Existing does not make a clear identification of the management scope for Fuxian Lake protection .