
  1. 目前同样不清楚的是,在瑞士银行保密制度面临挑战的情况下,该国管理下的资产是否真的会大量流往亚洲。

    It is also unclear whether Switzerland will really suffer a substantial outflow of assets to Asia as a result of the challenges to its banking secrecy regime .

  2. 客户资金流出加速的原因包括,去年秋天意大利税务特赦,以及瑞银出售巴西子公司等,但瑞银承认,员工跳槽和有关瑞士银行保密制度的不确定性,将在一段时间内持续产生负面影响。

    The outflows were swollen by factors such as last autumn 's Italian tax amnesty and the sale of a Brazilian subsidiary , but UBS acknowledged staff defections and uncertainties about Swiss bank secrecy would hurt flows for some time .

  3. 在美国的压力下,瑞士传统的银行保密制度已大打折扣瑞银(UBS)不得不向美国政府交出数千客户的名单。

    Under pressure from the US , the Swiss have seriously compromised their tradition of banking secrecy UBS has had to hand over the names of thousands of clients to the American authorities .

  4. 这些参数可能会非常严苛,因为民意调查显示瑞士人支持银行保密制度;否则该法案可能会遭到公众的否决。

    The parameters are likely to be demanding as polls suggest that the Swiss support banking confidentiality ; otherwise , the law could be publicly voted down .

  5. 事实证明瑞士法律的这一特色越来越难以维持,部分原因在于,许多人认为它本身就缺乏明确性,而且他国普遍将其视为瑞士为保护其银行保密制度而释放的烟幕。

    The distinction has proved increasingly hard to maintain , partly because of its inherent lack of clarity for many , and the fact that it has widely been seen abroad as a smokescreen to protect bank secrecy .