
  • Biopharmaceutical;biopharmaceuticals;Biological Pharmacy
  1. 目前Cole-Cole模型主要用在激电和生物制药等方面。

    Cole-Cole model currently used primarily in IP and biopharmaceutical aspects .

  2. 其次,构建了黑龙江生物制药产业创新联盟成员选择指标体系,提出用多目标决策法进行联盟成员的选择及应用AHP法计算指标权重。

    Secondly , it builds a member selection index system of biopharmaceutical industry innovation alliance in Heilongjiang province , and proposes multi-objective decision method to select the members and AHP method to calculate the index weights .

  3. 信使RNA研究与细胞因子类生物制药

    Messenger RNA researching and biological producing of cytokines

  4. OEM在生物制药企业GMP认证中的抗风险作用

    Risk-Resistant Function of OEM in GMP 's Attestation of Biological Pharmacy Enterprises

  5. 生物制药在位清洗CIP系统配置综述

    Summary of Onsite Cleaning CIP System Disposition in Biological Medicine Production

  6. 本文将DEA方法引入到对企业的RD效率的评价中,以我国生物制药上市公司为研究对像,对样本公司RD效率进行了全面的分析。

    This paper uses DEA method to analyze R & D efficiency of the specimen , based on the listed companies of biochemical and pharmaceutical .

  7. 混凝沉淀ABRBAF组合工艺处理生物制药废水

    The Treatment of Wastewater by Coagulation-sedimentation ABR BAF Combination-Processes

  8. 生物制药:电化学生物传感器可用于生物制药,原理是采用DNA重组技术或其他生物技术来研制的蛋白质或核酸类药物。

    Electrochemical biosensors are used in biological pharmacy . The mechanism : medicine of protein and nucleic acid , which are produced by DNA recomposing technology and other biological techniques , is used .

  9. 具有EHS工作经验和生物制药行业工作背景的优先。

    Experience on EHS and in biological industry will be preferred .

  10. EPO的糖型分析在生物制药行业的质量控制和体育比赛的兴奋剂检测过程中都有着十分重要的应用。

    Profiling of EPO glycoforms is a critical means for quality control in pharmaceutical industrial and anti-doping analysis of misuse in sports .

  11. OEM是在国际市场十分流行并行之有效的生产方式,但在生物制药企业中还不多见。

    OEM was a popular and effective production mode in the international market , but it was still rare in the biological pharmacy enterprises .

  12. 从而使其广泛的应用于生物制药领域及注射用水等无菌要求很高的系统,是为GMP要求而特制的。

    Making it widely used in the field of bio-pharmaceutical and sterile water for injection and other demanding system is specially designed for the requirements of GMP .

  13. 综合阐述了生物制药车间CIP系统的设计原则、工艺控制参数和系统配置。

    The design principles of CIP system , the selection of process parameter and system disposition in biological medicine production shop were described in this article .

  14. 直到20世纪初,NPE技术开始大量应用于生物制药、食品加工等领域。

    Until the early20th century , NPE began to be applied to biological pharmacy and food processing fields with large amounts .

  15. 生物制药产品的质量首先是要安全有效,生产过程必须遵守药品生产质量管理规范GMP质量管理的要求。

    The first quality concern of a biopharmaceutical product is its safety and efficacy . Thus requires that the whole production procedures must comply with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice ( GMP ) .

  16. 关于Mapp生物制药公司,以及它推出的这款抗埃博拉病毒药物,有五点值得我们了解。

    Here are five things to know about Mapp and its efforts to develop a potential treatment for the Ebola virus .

  17. 肠激酶(Enterokinase,EK)是目前生物制药领域纯化重组蛋白产品时用于切割融合蛋白的首选工具酶之一。

    Enterokinase ( EK ) is one of the most useful tools as a fusion protein cleavage regent for purification of recombinant protein production in biopharmaceutical industry .

  18. 他说,如果中国科学家试图在中国以外地区销售MIL77,却没有与拥有ZMapp知识产权的美国小型公司Mapp生物制药(MappBiopharmaceutical)达成协议的话,他们或许已经侵犯了专利。

    He said the Chinese scientists might have infringed patents if they tried to sell MIL77 outside China without an agreement with Mapp Biopharmaceutical , the small American company with intellectual property rights to ZMapp .

  19. 研发BPO对海洋生物制药研发的创新既有促进作用也有负面作用,问题的关键是制药企业如何在研发BPO中积累真正的自主创新能力。

    R D BPO not only has the promoter action to the R D innovation of marine biopharmacy , but also has the negative function . The key question is how to accumulate the true independent innovation ability from the R D BPO .

  20. 结果表明:本文基于价值链分析构建生物制药企业价值评估指标体系,基于ANP模型对生物制药企业进行综合价值评估所得到的结果具有较强的科学性、客观性和可靠性。

    And it showed that the results obtained by establishing the evaluating indicator system for the biopharmaceutical companies ' general value based on value chain analysis , and by evaluating the value of biopharmaceutical companies based on ANP model comprehensively , are of strong science , objectivity , and reliability .

  21. 就在不到三个月前,百时美施贵宝曾表示,公司将对其营养品业务和旗下的伤口愈合产品供应商康复宝(convatec)进行战略评估,以便专注于成为一家全球生物制药公司。

    The move comes less than three months after BMS said it would conduct a strategic review of both its nutritionals business and Convatec , the wound care products supplier it owns , in order to focus on becoming a global biopharmaceutical company .

  22. 拓宽融资渠道,有效融合金融资本与生物制药技术;

    Broaden financing channels thus effectively combining financial capital with biotechnics ;

  23. 我国生物制药上市公司的经营业绩评价

    The Management Performance Evaluation of Biopharmacy Public Companies in Our Country

  24. 生物制药技术专业课程体系的建设与研究

    Construction And Studying Of The Professional Course System Of Bio-pharmaceuticals Technology

  25. 这是北京金赛狮生物制药技术开发有限责任公司的网站。

    This is the website of the Beijing GSETS Biotechnology Development Co.

  26. 生物制药技术专业开设药典实训课程的实践及效果

    The Practice & Effect of Pharmacopoeia Courses of Bio-pharmaceutical Technology Specialty

  27. 兴达生物制药公司业务流程重组的实例研究

    Case Study on Business Process Reengineering of Xingda Biology Pharmacy Company

  28. 超临界反溶剂过程在生物制药中的应用

    Supercritical Anti-Solvent Process and Its Application in Biological and Pharmaceutical Materials

  29. 生物制药发展状况、方向及相关技术平台

    The Development Status , Trends and Relative Technique Platforms of Biopharmaceutical

  30. 生物制药方向细胞工程课程建设刍议

    Suggestion to the Course Construction in Cell Engineering for Biopharmaceutical Specialty