
  • 网络User News
  1. 马拉先生在谈到脸书在用户新闻消息方面所做的工作的时候,他说:“我们想说的是'我们认为你连接的任何内容都会是你最想读的东西。'”

    In Facebook 's work on its users " news feeds , Mr. Marra said , " we 're saying , ' We think that of all the stuff you 've connected yourself to , this is the stuff you 'd be most interested in reading . ' "

  2. 整个系统有效的整合了Web信息处理中的关键技术,搭建了一个真实数据集上的小型系统,能够有效的为用户提供新闻热点追踪的服务。

    By integrating the key technique of Web processing , we construct a small system based on real data to offer the service of hot news chase .

  3. 例如,如果正在使用一种基于web的新闻应用程序,则可以在用户上载新闻报道的站点创建一个管理部分。

    For example , if you are working with a web-based news application , you might create an admin portion of the site where users upload their news stories .

  4. 注意:当用户单击新闻标题时,即会转到您在此处选择的url。

    Note : when users click on the news headline , they will go to the URL you 've selected here .

  5. Facebook希望不仅仅是将用户导向新闻网站,而且还能让用户留在Facebook进行新闻消费。

    Facebook wants not only to point users to news sites but to be the place where they stay and consume it , too .

  6. 在本文中,您将构建一个使用GPS定位为用户提供新闻内容的应用程序的后端和前端。

    In this article , you will build both the back end and the front end of an application that uses GPS location to provide news content to the user .

  7. 在rss阅读器中聚合新闻源,并将用户对新闻条目所作的评论包含进去,这种做法也增加了引入恶意代码的概率。

    Aggregating news feeds in RSS readers and including comments made by users on news items also increases the chances of malicious code being introduced .

  8. 模型还返回用户的新闻类型选择(//rss/userinput/newstype)和检索的新闻标题及URL(//rss/headlinelist/headline)。

    The model also returns the user 's news type choice ( / / rss / userinput / newstype ) and the retrieved news headlines and URLs ( / / rss / headlinelist / headline ) .

  9. 新闻提要URL(//conf/deDE/baseurl)、如何验证用户对新闻提要类型做出的选择(//conf/deDE/newtypes)以及在用户没有做出选择的情况下哪类新闻应当为默认值。

    Newsfeed URL ( / / conf / de_DE / baseurl ), how to validate the choices the user makes for newsfeed types ( / / conf / de_DE / newtypes ), and which type of news should be the default if the user makes no choice .

  10. 将分类引入新闻网页中,方便用户浏览新闻。

    Apply classification to news page to make browsing news friendlier .

  11. 然后调用一个函数,输出这个新闻提要中的条目并让用户选择新闻条目。

    You then call the function that outputs the news feed specific items and lets you select them .

  12. 当用户点击新闻链接时,她反应很慢,用户就会退出然后浏览其他地方。

    When users click on a news link and it 's slow to respond , they will exit and go elsewhere .

  13. 以用户对新闻网站的个性化需求为例,设计并实现了一个基于内容个性化的页面转换系统,为用户提供实时的新闻信息。

    Finally , design and implement a Web transform system based on the news information , to provide real-time news for users .

  14. 现在,该公司调整了提示用户假新闻的方式,将在有争议的新闻故事旁边展示“相关文章”。

    Now it modifies the way it alerts users to fake news It will display " related articles " next to disputed news stories .

  15. 新闻报道是信息的重要载体,用户对新闻报道关注的重点是部分特定新闻事件,因此迫切需要能够自动实现基于新闻事件的新闻报道跟踪。

    The news report is an important information carrier . Users pay attention to the news based on some specific events . Therefore a kind of intelligent services , which can automatically analyzing and tracking the news are in urgent need .

  16. 在Digg上,用户可以提交新闻链接(Web页面)。

    On Digg , users can submit links to stories ( Web pages ) .

  17. 一名用户在社交新闻网站Reddit(黑客、专业人士及年轻人经常光顾的一家网站)上贴出了比特币安全网登陆凭证的一个链接后,此次泄露事件才曝光。

    The leak became known after a user posted a link to the log-in credentials on Reddit frequented by hackers , professional and aspiring .

  18. 蒂尔资助诉讼Gawker案件一事爆出时,此前一场硅谷与媒体关系的争论正在逐渐平息——这场争论是由Gawker旗下的另一个网站Gizmodo的报道挑起的,内容是Facebook是如何操纵用户看到的新闻。

    The news about Mr. Thiel funding the suit against Gawker broke just as the previous contretemps about Silicon Valley and the media - how Facebook shapes the news that its users see , sparked by a story in Gizmodo , another Gawker property - was dying down .

  19. 基于用户上下文的新闻服务机制研究

    Study of news service based on user 's context

  20. 基于用户兴趣的新闻个性化推荐系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of News Personalized Recommendation System Based on User 's Interest

  21. 前台包含用户注册、新闻浏览、电影信息浏览、评论电影、影迷之家等模块。

    Front Desk includes user registration , news browsing , browse movie information , movie reviews , fan modules House .

  22. 该条例同时禁止外国通讯社向中国本土用户直接出售新闻信息,其中包括银行及其它金融服务机构。

    The regulations also ban the agencies from selling directly to local customers , including banks and other financial services companies .

  23. 用户选择的新闻来源,以跟踪和最新的文章是在一格的文字和图片介绍。

    Users select which news sources to follow and the latest articles are presented in a grid of texts and photos .

  24. 在用户选择的新闻类型无效的情况下,模型将返回一个错误代码,而不是返回标题。

    In case the user 's choice of news type was invalid , the model would return an error code , rather than the headlines .

  25. 网站推广又包括很多方法,比如联署计划,论坛的参与,免费礼物以吸引用户,发布新闻稿等。

    Website promotion also includes many methods such as joint programs , forums , free gifts to attract customers , press releases and so on .

  26. 通过对移动阅读领域里数据业务、移动阅读用户行为、新闻类客户端三个方面的解析,明确了基于移动互联网的媒体发布平台及客户端应用的研究意义。

    Through the analysis of data service , mobile readers ' behavior and news client , the thesis discusses the significance of media publishing platform and client applications research .

  27. 目前,用户可以利用新闻网站专题栏目或新闻搜索引擎获取相关的新闻报道,通过对新闻报道的阅读,进而理解整个新闻事件。

    Now users can get relevant news reports using sites of newswire presences or news search engine . By means of reading these news reports , users can understand the whole news event .

  28. 微博客时代,微博用户不仅是新闻的评论者、传播者,而且还是新闻的发布者,双重身份的赋予使得公民新闻的内涵被极大地拓宽和延伸了。

    In the era of micro-blogging , the micro-blogging user is not only the news commentators and disseminators , but also the news release . Double identity greatly extends the connotation of citizen journalism .

  29. 根据一项针对10个国家1.9万人的调查,去年只有十分之一的互联网用户愿意为数字新闻付费,与2012年持平。该调查由牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)路透新闻学研究所(ReutersInstitutefortheStudyofJournalism)联合展开。

    According to a survey of 19000 people in 10 countries , conducted by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford , only one internet user in 10 was willing to pay for digital news last year - exactly the same proportion as in 2012 .

  30. 新闻网站本质上是为用户提供一种新闻信息化服务。

    The news website essentially provides a news information services for users .