
tián yuán
  • pastoral;countryside;fields and gardens
田园 [tián yuán]
  • (1) [fields and gardens]∶田地与园圃

  • (2) [countryside]∶农村;乡下

  • (3) [pastoral]∶描绘或表现村民生活的,尤其是以理想化和习俗化的手法

  • 田园诗

  • 田园文学

田园[tián yuán]
  1. 哲学回归田园:一个现象学的透视

    The Regress of Philosophy to the Fields and Gardens : A Phenomenological Perspective

  2. 江湾田园心醉。

    Jiangwan fields and gardens are charming .

  3. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。

    The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert .

  4. 配上拌过了的田园色拉直接上桌。

    Serve straight from the dish with a tossed green salad .

  5. 从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。

    The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside

  6. 这座房子很漂亮,带一个田园风情的美丽花园。

    The house was so handsome , with a lovely countrified garden .

  7. 这里的风景看上去还是以田园风光为主。

    The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance .

  8. 田园相连,四下无邻。

    Fields adjoined the garden and there were no neighbours

  9. 这似乎是一种田园诗般的家庭组成格局。

    It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up

  10. 装修厨房的时候,肯尼思选择的是一种亲切质朴的田园风格。

    When he came to decorate the kitchen , Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look

  11. 想到小廷代尔从小在这里过着田园生活,我就觉得高兴。

    It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity .

  12. 父母婚姻的破裂使得罗茜田园诗般美好的世界陡然画上了句号。

    Rosie 's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents ' marriage broke up

  13. 她发现她搬进的这个寂静小镇并非她想象中的乡间田园。

    She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn 't the rural idyll she imagined

  14. 从房子的位置,花园开始变低,四周树木葱郁,一派田园风光。

    From the house , the garden drops away , surrounded by a rural scene of woodland .

  15. 花瓶上绘饰着田园景色。

    The vase was painted with pastoral scenes .

  16. 回到田园生活中去。

    Back to the land !

  17. 连年战乱,百姓流离,田园荒芜。

    Long years of war caused people to leave their homes and the land to lie waste .

  18. 农民用栅栏来防护他们的田园。

    Farmers fence their fields .

  19. 这些色彩斑斓的宝石构成了不列颠哥伦比亚的田园,是营养保护的小天地。

    These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia 's fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection .

  20. 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光

    Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision .

  21. 他过着田园生活。

    He lived a rural life .

  22. 之后,她用短视频展现中国食物的烹制过程、制作刺绣等传统中国手工艺品以及乡村田园生活,在海外走红。

    She went viral overseas afterwards with her short videos about cooking Chinese food , making traditional Chinese handicrafts such as embroidery and living an idyllic rural life in China .

  23. 节目单上说第一个节目是贝多芬的《f大调第六交响曲》,人们称之为《田园交响曲》。

    The playbill says that the fist selection is Beethoven 's Symphony No. 6 in F Major , commonly know as The Pastorale .

  24. 这是Rajasthan,一个田园小村庄。

    This is in Rajasthan , a rural village .

  25. 研究了2个早熟禾(Poapratensis)品种Nublue、Kenblue建植在植被砼和田园土的表型可塑性(phenotypicplasticity)。

    The phenotypic plasticity of two varieties of Poa pratensis ( Nublue and Kenblue ) in vegetation concrete and garden soil was studied .

  26. 从19世纪末至今,从Howard的田园城市到MacHarg的土地利用生态规划方法,再到基于生态系统理论的城市生态对策规划,城市生态规划的理论和方法在实践中不断完善。

    Since 19 th century , the theory and method of urban eco-planning had grown up gradually with the planning practices , from E. Howard 's " Garden Cities " to MacHarg 's eco-planning of land utilization , and to the urban ecological decision planning based on the ecosystem theory .

  27. 英式牛肉,烤马铃薯,田园沙拉。

    Roast Beef , Roast Potatoes , Garden Vegetables with Gravy .

  28. 孙犁:精神田园的执著守望者

    Sun Li : the Persevering Guardian Angel of the Spirit Field

  29. 盛唐士流园林和山水田园诗

    The gardens of shi liu and the landscape and pastoral poetry

  30. 晋宋山水田园诗崛起的深层原因

    Root Reasons for Rising of Idyll in Jin - Song Dynasties