
tián gěng
  • rand;balk;baulk;ridge;footpath in a field
田埂 [tián gěng]
  • [footpath in a field;ridge] 田间的埂,用来分界和蓄水

田埂[tián gěng]
  1. 这一天,宋国人耕了很久的地,坐在田埂上休息。

    This day , Sung people Geng for a long time of ground , sit a rest on the rand .

  2. 稻田之间有低矮的田埂。

    There were low banks of earth between the rice fields .

  3. 相似地,2003年的水稻花粉平均飘落密度从稻田内的190.8粒/cm2锐降至离田埂9m处的6.0粒/cm2。

    Similarly in 2003 , pollen load declined steeply from a mean of 190.8 grains / cm2 within the field to a mean of 6.0 grains / cm2 at a distance of 9m from the rice field .

  4. 2002年花粉平均累积飘落密度从稻田内的最高密度255.0粒/cm2降低至离田埂9m处的34.6粒/cm2。

    In 2002 , the average of cumulative deposition of Bt pollen grains was highest within the rice field ( 255.0 grains / cm2 ) and decreased to 34.6 grains / cm pollen al 9m from the edge of the field .

  5. 在长满苔藓的绿色田埂上,报春花像无数闪闪的星星;

    And on mossy banks so green star-like primroses are seen ;

  6. 铲除田埂杂草带对棉蚜防治效果的影响

    Influence of weeding the Bunds of cotton fields on cotton Aphid control

  7. 轮胎把泥浆甩到田埂上,使得道路无法通行。

    Tyres had thrown the mud into ridges , making the road impassable .

  8. 我的同学走在乡间的田埂边。

    My classmate was walking along the field .

  9. 我们坐在田埂上休息。

    We had a rest on the ridges .

  10. 我们穿越很多小路,沿路看见两旁乾枯的农作物,垂丧著头在田埂里。

    As we drove along the narrow paths , we saw withered crops in the fields .

  11. 一些不知名的小花,这儿一朵,那儿一丛的洒在田埂上。

    Some unknown flowers , one here , where a cluster on the sprinkling in the ridge .

  12. 福建田埂豆地方品种资源研究&Ⅱ.地方品种遗传特性研究

    Studies on the local germplasm of balk soybean landraces in Fujian province & ⅱ . Genetic characteristics of soybean landraces

  13. 拖拉机在耕地,并且建起一道道田埂,等水流进这些农田时,这些田埂就能起到河堤的作用。

    Tractors are tilling the land and building earthen rows that will serve as levees once water flows into these fields .

  14. 沿着田埂往回走,我和它谈论有关他名字来历的那个人。

    As we go walking down the lane , I do talk with him about the one he is named for .

  15. 要格外细心以确保水流不会穿越等高沟间的田埂。

    Extra care must be taken to be sure that water does not cut through any of the ridges between contour furrows .

  16. 张立山(音译)站在田埂上,侍弄着一块面积不大的蔬菜园,四周都是散发着臭味的死水沟。

    Zhang Lishan stands on a ridge of dirt tending a small vegetable garden surrounded by pools of stagnant , stinking water .

  17. 对稻田周围田埂和路边上能寄生褐飞虱的卵寄生蜂群落的动态进行了初步的研究。

    The community dynamics of egg parasitoids that could parasitize the brown planthopper in non rice habitats such as bunds and roadside vegetation were studied .

  18. 没过多久,不论男女,都是赤着脚推着小车在田埂上奔走如飞。

    Before long , all of us , male and female , could rush about with the carts on the ridge , with bare feet .

  19. 秋收季节,每个人推着一个胶轮独轮车,装着三袋稻米在尺把宽的田埂上来回运送。

    During the harvest season , everyone pulled a wheelbarrow loaded with three large sacks of rice on the30cm wide field ridge , transporting rice home .

  20. 爸爸拉着车,我们推车,一步步地压过粗糙的田埂,向着回家的田间小路走去了。

    Dad pulled the car , we cart , step by step over rough ground pressure ridge , the path toward home , walked the field .

  21. 白杨树是不太讲究生存条件的,大路边,田埂旁,哪里有黄土的地方,哪里就有她的生存。

    Poplar is not very particular about living conditions , large roadside ridge next to a place where there are loess , where she was living there .

  22. 而在中等肥力地块,做成2~2.4米宽条畦种8行小麦、2条套种行和0.35米宽田埂。

    While in middle fertile plot , a format of 2-2.4 m strip check for 8 wheat rows , 2 interplanting rows and 0.35 m ridge might be used .

  23. 聚类群Ⅱ的样点都是农田隔离带如田埂以及农田中的沟壑,以波斯婆婆纳、碎米莎草、野塘蒿和铁苋菜为优势种;

    Group ⅱ, consisting of the samples located on ridges and furrows in the fields , was dominated with weed species , like Veronica persica , Conyza bonariensis and Acalypha australis .

  24. 调查结果说明,养鸭有机稻田比常规稻田更有利于天敌的保护,在常规管理模式下田埂种植大豆和芝麻对稻田节肢动物群落保护具有积极作用。

    The survey suggested that natural enemies were better conserved in organic duck-rearing field than in conventional field , and growing soybean and sesame in field margins with conventional farming would promote conservation of arthropod community .

  25. 此刻,阳光一片片洒落在这片伊甸园上,慢慢移动着,一点点地划过田埂、房屋和红顶的小教堂,以及远处挂满经幡的白塔。

    At the time , the light of the sun streamed down onto this land , and moved slowly across the fields , the houses , the red-roofed churches , and the white dagoba covered with sutra streamers .

  26. 田埂犹在,菜花灿然,但是那水塘,已是一幅鸟尽兽绝、世界末日的恐怖景象。

    Even though the bank was the same , so were the flowers of rape , the pond was an entirely different scene : it is a picture of death , a picture of the end of the world .

  27. 结果表明,软埂梯田可完全消除重力侵蚀引发的田埂崩塌危害,筑埂费用和维护费用仅为传统技术的24.9%和55.5%;

    Soft-ridged bench terrace made it possible to significantly reduce hazards arising from gravity erosion , and reduce the costs of individual bench construction and maintenance by 24.9 % and 55.5 % of the costs under traditional techniques , respectively .

  28. 杜甫蒙受羞辱,就出城到郊外,仰躺在田埂上对天浩叹。杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县湿地生态旅游可持续发展对策的研究

    Insulted , Du Fu left the city to the outskirts and lying on the ridges of the field , poured out his sentiments towards Heaven . Study on the Wetland Eco-tourism Sustainable Development Countermeasure in Du Er Bert Mongolian National Minority Autonomous County

  29. 在那月残星稀的清晨,挎着一空篮子,顺着田埂上的小路走去拣麦穗的时候,她想的是什么呢?

    In the early hours of dawn , under a waning moon and a sprinkling of stars , what would a girl with a basket on her arm be thinking of as she walked along the ridges in the fields on her way to gather wheat stalks ?