
tián jiān
  • field;farm;village;among the fields;country countryside
田间 [tián jiān]
  • (1) [among the fields]∶田地里

  • 田间劳动

  • 田间管理

  • (2) [country countryside;village]∶农村;乡间

田间[tián jiān]
  1. 学生这会儿都在田间做活儿。

    The pupils are now working in the field .

  2. 农民们正在田间施肥。

    The farmers were distributing manure over the field .

  3. 人们在田间劳动。

    People were working in the fields .

  4. 他们绝大多数时间都无精打采地走在田间。

    Most of the time , they slouch around in the fields

  5. 一些独居蜂会把巢筑在田间的地洞里。

    Some solitary bees make their nests in burrows in the soil .

  6. 一条沟把溪水引到田间。

    A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields .

  7. 我们由田间而来,不是由大路而来。

    We came by the fields , not by the roads .

  8. 天没亮,田间就已一片活跃。

    The fields are stirring with life before daybreak .

  9. 和风轻拂着田间金色的小麦。

    A soft breeze kissed the golden wheat in the fields .

  10. 在播种以及收割季节,可以看到长胡子男人牵着马在田间劳作,而妇女将衣物整齐地晾晒在晾衣绳上。

    In planting and harvest times one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry .

  11. 冬小麦田间墒情预报的BP神经网络模型

    Back-propagation neural network model for soil moisture forecast of winter wheat field

  12. 盆栽和田间条件下土壤~(15)N标记肥料氮的转化

    Transformation of ~ ( 15 ) n labelled fertilizer N in soils under greenhouse and field conditions

  13. 部分GK系列Bt棉对棉铃虫抗性的田间评价

    Field resistance evaluations of Bt Transgenic Cotton GK series to cotton bollworm

  14. 结果表明,田间赤星病菌繁殖代数越高毒力越强,毒力差异是病菌基因组DNA致病相关基因差异所致。

    The results showed that pathogen virulence increased with the increase of reproductive generations , the virulence variation was caused by the variation of pathogenetic DNA gene of pathogen .

  15. 通过田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了皖中岗地花生配合施用B、Cu、Mo、Zn等不同微量元素肥料的效果及其对花生生长发育与产量形成的影响。

    The effect of cooperation fertilizing B , Cu , Mo and Zn microelements were studied and on growth and yield on peanut in Anhui hilly regions .

  16. 田间持水量(58%wfps)时,N2O释放的稳定浓度达到最大;

    The highest concentration occurred at the field water capacity ( 58 % wfps ) .

  17. 通过田间试验、室内分析测试,系统研究不同N、P水平冬小麦叶片的反射率、叶绿素含量,及其相互关系。

    Based on field test and laboratory experiment , this article analyzed the correlation between the spectrum reflectivity and chlorophyll content of wheat leaf under different N and P levels in guanzhong area .

  18. 民用塑料释放的HCl对田间大豆光合作用和生长的影响

    Effect of HCl gas released from civil plastic products on growth and photosynthesis of soybean plant in the field

  19. 采用田间培养试验初步模拟研究在高CO2浓度条件下土壤不同粒级碳的分布。

    Basing on field cultivation experiment and under high CO_2 concentration condition , the distribution of carbon content in different sized soil particles was primarily studied .

  20. 通过不同N肥处理的田间试验,研究N素营养对油菜成熟期地上部各部位生物产量的调节作用。

    S : The trials were carried out through the treatment of different N application to research the regulation of N nutrition to biomass of different parts of rape plant in ripening stage .

  21. 结果表明,IPM农民田间学校是IPM技术转化的有效途径。

    As a conclusion , IPM farmer field school is one of effective approach to dissemination of IPM .

  22. 采用田间试验研究了稻草还田环境下施N模式对稻田生态系统N素吸收量及N肥利用率的影响。

    Field studies were conducted to investigate effects of rice straw incorporation and nitrogen application models on process of nitrogen uptake by rice paddy ecosystem and fertilizer-N use efficiency in the double rice cropping system .

  23. 枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌剂防治番茄叶霉病田间试验

    Biological Control of Tomato Leaf Mold Disease with Bacillus subtilis Strain G3 in Greenhouse

  24. PCR、DIA和致病性测定法检测田间显症样品的检出率均可达到100%,而检测柑桔无症样品的检出率依次降低。

    The detection rate of the three techniques ( Pathogenicity test , DIA and PCR assay ) for Xac reach 100 % for symptomatic citrus sample .

  25. 分别在北京和江苏省连云港市对携带Btcry基因的荧光假单胞菌工程菌进行了田间残留与扩散的追踪检测。

    Biosafety detection of the remnants and diffuse of engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens strains with Bt cry genes in small scale field test was carried in Beijing and Lianyungang , Jiangsu Province .

  26. 以蛹在甜菜、胡麻、豌豆、首蓿等作物土壤中越冬,田间杂草、地埂下也能越冬,深度达10~20cm;

    Overwintering as pupa in the soil of sugar beet , helminthosporium , pea , alfalfa and etc.

  27. 采用田间试验方法,研究了在自然紫外光强基础上人工增加紫外线UV-B强度照射对小麦开花及结实的影响。

    Effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation ( UV-B radiation , broad band with 280 ~ 400 nm ) on the flowering process and seeding were investigated .

  28. 合理施用有机肥、调节田间水分、配施矿质肥料以及培养根系活力较强的高产水稻品种是减少土壤源CH4排放量的主要措施。

    The measurements for reducing CH4 flux are to apply organic manure and matter , control field moisture , apply mineral fertilizer and evolve rice varieties with high yield .

  29. 一种用硝酸纤维素膜的斑点法鉴定个体小菜蛾的抗性AChE不敏感性的应用技术,提供了早期侦测和随后监测田间种群抗性的可能性。

    A dot-blot on nitrocellulose membranes technique for identification of insensitive AChE in single insect provides the opportunity for early detection and subsequent monitoring of resistance in field population .

  30. 土壤含水量为60%~75%田间持水量(θF)的植株叶片蒸腾和光合速率均居于较高水平,前期产量最高;

    At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .