
  • 网络methanol to propylene;MTP
  1. 甲醇制丙烯技术(MTP)具有原料廉价,反应条件温和,产物选择性相对较高等优点,受到了广大学者的关注,具有广阔的发展空间。

    Methanol to propylene technology ( MTP ) has got great attention of researchers and has wide development space owing to its cheap reactants , moderate reaction conditions , relatively higher light olefins selectivity .

  2. 本文对甲醇制丙烯(MTP)反应体系上的固定床反应器进行了模拟。

    The fixed-bed reactor of methanol to propylene was studied in this paper .

  3. 从战略的角度考虑,采用天然气甲醇制丙烯(MTP技术)可以拓宽原料渠道,调整丙烯原料结构,减少对石油资源的依赖并规避价格风险。

    From the strategic perspective , Technology MT ( PMethanol to Propylene ) could broaden the choice of raw materials for propylene production , reduce the reliance upon oil resources and avoid the risks associated with potential spikes in the oil price .

  4. 甲醇制丙烯工艺催化剂的汽蒸过程分析

    Steaming Process of Catalyst for Methanol to Propylene Technology

  5. 开发天然气及煤制油、甲醇制乙烯、丙烯技术;

    Commercialize new technologies which can realize gas to liquid , coal to liquid , methanol to ethylene and propylene ;