
  • 网络Voltage Variation;voltage change;relative voltage change
  1. 介绍了关于并网风电机组电能质量的国际电工标准IEC61400-21,给出了风电机组在持续运行与切换操作期间引起的闪变值和相对电压变动的计算公式。

    The calculation formulae for flicker and relative voltage change which occurs during the continuous operation and the switching-option of wind turbines are given .

  2. 利用时域均方根值电压变动特性、小波变换及FFT变换对多种电能质量扰动信号进行分层次辨识。

    Using time-domain voltage-RMS , wavelet transform and FFT , various types of power quality disturbance signals are layered-recognized .

  3. 平滑伪Wigner-Ville分布在电力系统谐波和电压变动检测中的应用

    Application of smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution in detecting harmonics and short duration voltage variations

  4. 单节点电能质量评价中的短时间电压变动分析

    Method for Voltage Variation Analysis in Site PQ Assessment

  5. 这篇论文提出了一个和电源电压变动无关的新式电流源。

    This paper presents a novel current source which is insensitive to supply voltage .

  6. 短时电压变动的小波变换模极大值奇异性检测方法

    Detecting of short duration voltage variation based on module maxima and singularity of wavelet transform

  7. 双方的能量产生的电压变动振幅就可以在放大器的输入引脚产生噪音信号。

    Both sources produce voltage-amplitude variations reproduced as noise signals at the amplifier 's input pins .

  8. 本文首先研究了短时电压变动现象,对电压凹陷标准进行了较深入的讨论,提出了一种新的电压凹陷定义。

    In the first , the paper study the short duration variations of RMS and discuss the voltage sag emphatically .

  9. 这两个成份组合起来可以抵消因电源电压变动所造成的电流变动。

    These two components are combined to cancel the variation of the current due to the change of supply voltage .

  10. 系统测算了在大范围电压变动条件下,加入软开关后的系统效率和相关的电流、电压参数。

    With soft-switching , the system efficiency and the relevant voltage and current are measured or calculated under the condition of wide input-voltage variation .

  11. 另外在电路内部也存在线间产生交调失真及数字器件的通/断时电流急骤变化引起电源电压变动等问题。

    In addition , inside circuit there exist Line-to-Line crosstalk and supply voltage variation caused by sudden change of electric current while the digital device is on / off and other problems .

  12. 风电场实际发电量受来风的影响从零至最大发电量之间变化,使风电场与主网连接点的电压变动率很大。

    The wind power plant 's actual active power depends on the influence of wind , changing from zero to the maximum , The junction 's variation of voltage rate between the wind power plant and main electrical power network is very big .

  13. 对电压幅值、供电电压偏差、频率、谐波、三相不平衡度、闪变、电压快速变动等指标进行具体分析,确定检测的方式。

    There are some specific analysis and to determine the detection methods on voltage amplitude , supply voltage deviation , frequency , harmonics , tri-phase unbalance factor , flicker , rapidly changing voltage and so on .