
  • 网络electronic organizer;PDA
  1. 匆匆记在便利贴上是一种方式,不过现在有许多电子记事本可供选择。

    Jotting notes on a Post-it is one way , but there are many electronic organizer options .

  2. 摩羯座:带花边的心形食品和甜甜的味道让你禁不住打喷嚏——毕竟,谁都不会说爱情像一个新的电子记事本。

    Capricorn : Lacy hearts and syrupy sentiments make you sneeze -- besides , nothing says love like a new electronic organizer !

  3. 我很惊讶,尤其是我们之前预测的是电子记事本。

    I 'm quite surprised , especially as we 'd predicted it would be electronic organisers .

  4. 仔细阅读你的电子记事本所附带的操作指导。不要阅读来历不明的电子邮件及其附件。

    Read ( really ) the instruction manual that came with your electronic organizer . Do not read mails and attachment .

  5. 摩羯座:带花边的心形食品和甜甜的味道让你禁不住打喷嚏毕竟,谁都不会说爱情像一个新的电子记事本。

    Capricorn : lacy hearts and syrupy sentiments make you sneeze & besides , nothing says love like a new electronic organizer !

  6. 不管你是利用已经过时的4X6索引卡,还是电子记事本程序,你都可以创建一个有效程序来追踪日程和期限。

    Whether it is old-fashioned4X6 index cards or an electronic tickler program , you must develop an effective system to track dates and deadlines .

  7. 专业人士随身带着口袋型记事本,有些甚至是电子的记事本,好随时留意所订的约会与工作截止日期。

    Professionals carry around pocket planners-some in electronic form-to keep track of appointments and deadlines .