
  • 网络E-commerce;electronic commerce;electronic trade;E-trade;EDI
  1. 此外还有电子贸易,即以电子方式支付货物和服务。

    Then there is the world of E-commerce , the electronic payment for goods and services .

  2. 网上购物系统具有强大的交互功能,可使商家和用户方便的传递信息,完成电子贸易。

    Online shopping system has powerful interactive features , and enables business users to easily transmit information and complete e-commerce .

  3. 近来Internet的迅速崛起,为大多数中小企业能够同大企业之间进行电子贸易往来提供了可能。

    Recently , Internet developed rapidly , it makes it possible that the middle or small companies can do electronic commerce with big enterprises .

  4. 这些客户包括加拿大皇家银行、德尔塔航空公司、SBC通信、台湾大哥大、普诚、三星生命保险、爱迪生团能源、哈拉娱乐公司、联邦快递、上海证券交易所、Travelocity公司、电子贸易和MatchLogic等很多企业。

    These customers include Royal Bank of Canada , Delta Air Lines , Qantas , SBC , Taiwan Cellular , UnumProvident , Samsung Life Insurance , Edison Mission Energy , Harrah 's Entertainment , Federal Express , Shanghai Stock Exchange , Travelocity , E-TRADE , and MatchLogic .

  5. 公用电子贸易服务推出多时,在一九九九年已踏入第三个年度。

    The CETS entered its third year of operation in 1999 .

  6. 第三,电子贸易网路本身使这个不平衡。

    Thirdly , electronic trading networks themselves crystallize this power imbalance .

  7. 韩中电子贸易协作方案

    The Cooperating Program of Chinese - Korean E - trade

  8. 我们如何了解在电子贸易关系上权限的不平均?

    How can we understand this imbalance of power in electronic trading relationships ?

  9. 日本电子贸易展展出快速无线充电器

    Japanese Trade Show Introduces Quick Wireless Recharger

  10. 她主要致力于零售业的电子贸易和商业智能解决方案。

    Her focus has been on e-commerce and business intelligence solutions for the retail industry .

  11. 电子贸易的区域化模式研究

    Study of Area Mode in Electronic Trade

  12. 电子贸易指网上财务往来,电子商务指所有形式的网上交易。

    It has become a powerful medium for commerce and business transaction of all kinds .

  13. 你在2003年的11月有没有去大阪参加电子贸易展

    You didn 't go to Osaka November 2003 to attend an electronics trade show ?

  14. 电子贸易正不断发展;

    Electronic trading is moving forward ;

  15. 电子贸易惯例工作组

    Electronic Trade Practices Working Group

  16. 国际互联网技术为基础的电子贸易对铁路运输管理体制产生了深远的影响。

    Based on the Internet technology , electronic trade brings about profound influence on railway management system .

  17. 我们也会继续致力促进电子贸易的发展,让本港工商各业得以提高它们的整体竞争力。

    We will also continue our effort to encourage electronic commerce so that our businesses may strengthen their overall competitiveness .

  18. 2016年10月,机器人的原型首次在迪拜世界中心举行的海湾信息技术展年度计算机与电子贸易展览上亮相。

    A prototype robot was first unveiled at the GITEX annual computer and electronic trade show at the Dubai World Centre in October , 2016 .

  19. 针对电子贸易出现的新税收难题不采取相应措施,必将威胁现有的税收体系,进而对国家财政收入和宏观经济政策产生负面的影响;

    If no corresponding measures are adopted , current taxation systems will be threatened and the national finance revenue and macroeconomic policy will also be badly influenced .

  20. 孤立点发现是数据挖掘活动的重要组成部分,被广泛应用于电子贸易、信用卡等领域的欺诈检测。

    Outlier detection is an integral part of data mining and is critical important to some areas such as monitoring of criminal activities in electronic commerce , credit card fraud , etc.

  21. 对税务机关而言,一方面,面临着如何对电子贸易实现税收征管的问题,另一方面面临的是传统税收征管的电子化转型问题。

    Tax authorities , on one hand , face how to realize the taxation of electronic trade problems , on the other hand are facing the traditional tax collection of electronic transformation .

  22. 他的工作是帮助业务合作伙伴创建不同行业和解决方案领域中的解决方案,包括但不限于商业智能、基础设施和电子贸易。

    He has been working to help enable business partners to create solutions in different industries and solution areas including , but not limited to , business intelligence , infrastructure , and e-commerce .

  23. 从易堂九子的古文复古理论看清初文章之取径公用电子贸易服务推出多时,在一九九九年已踏入第三个年度。

    The Revival Theory of Ancient Prose of Nine Writers in Yi-tang : Additionally on the Selection of Prose Path in Early Qing Dynasty The CETS entered its third year of operation in 1999 .

  24. 数字签名在商业、金融、军事等领域,特别是在电子贸易、电子支票、电子购物、电子出版以及知识产权保护等方面都有实际的应用。

    In commercial , financial , military and other fields , in particular in electronic commerce , electronic cheque , electronic shopping , electronic publishing and the protection of intellectual property rights digital signatures have practical applications .

  25. A公司作为中小型电子贸易企业,在面对复杂的环境和巨大的发展压力之下,制定科学的发展战略并加强战略管理是十分重要的。

    A company as small and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises , in the face of a complex environment , and tremendous development pressure , formulate scientific development strategies and to strengthen the development of strategic management is very important .

  26. 数字签名是信息时代最重要的技术之一,是实现电子贸易、电子货币、电子购物、电子出版及知识产权保护等系统安全的重要保证。

    Digital signature is one of the most important technologies in information times , and it provides an effective method to increase the security of systems , such as electric transaction , electric currency , electric purchase , electric publication and intelligent property protection .

  27. 电子商务贸易平台的建立包括虚拟电子商务中心模型、企业产品信息的即时发布、基于WEB页面的即时信息反馈浏览、购物车的设计、货物订单的确认设计、信息咨询服务平台的设计等。

    The establish of E-commerce trade platform include the model of the conjecture electronic commerce center , the information of business enterprise 's products immediately announced based WEB page design , shopping car 's design and the design of goods order recognizing , the service platform for information consulting .

  28. 网络时代继续保有合理使用,很可能对电子版权贸易带来负面影响。

    It will bring about negative effects on electronic copyright trade .

  29. 产品内分工视角下我国消费电子产品贸易研究

    Study on the Trade of Consumption Electronic Products of China on the View of Intra-product Specialization

  30. 意德科技(亚洲)有限公司是一家专业从事电子元器件贸易的经销商。

    E-TECH TECHNOLOGY ( ASIA ) CO. , LTD is a special dealer which deals with the trading of electronic elements and accessories .