
  1. 巴塞尔委员会发布的《电子银行业务风险管理原则》是这类规则的代表。

    The Principles of Risks Management for Electronic Banking published by Basle Committee , is an example .

  2. 各种风险事件和案件的频频发生已对电子银行的风险管理敲响了警钟。

    The repeated occurrence of various risk events and cases has sounded the alarm bell to the electronic bank risk management .

  3. 然而,本指引所载的部分原则,特别是关于电子银行业务的风险管理的原则也适用于该等银行。

    Nevertheless , some of principles set out in this guideline , particularly those relating to risk management of electronic banking activities , will also be relevant to such banks .