
  • 网络motion picture association;MPAA;Film Society;AFI
  1. 在与记者进行的电话会议上,美国电影协会的首席执行长多德(ChrisDodd)说,这类问题仍然令人担忧,并表示,他所领导的这个好莱坞电影行业组织已经就此向他们能够接触到的最高层部门表达了关切。

    On a conference call with reporters , MPAA Chief Executive Chris Dodd said such issues are ' still a concern ' and that his Hollywood studio trade group has ' raised our concerns about that with the very highest authorities we have access to . '

  2. 美国电影协会的一名发言人说,在全球10大电影市场中,中国的增长速度最快。

    China enjoyed the fastest growth of the world 's top ten movie markets , an MPAA spokesman said .

  3. 彩虹电影协会RainbowFilmSociety,是孟加拉电影业运动最活跃的机构之一。

    Rainbow Film Society is one of the most active in the film society movement of Bangladesh .

  4. 优酷网说,公司将向美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociation)和获准的版权所有者发放软件拷贝。

    Youku says it will distribute copies of the software to the Motion Picture Association and approved rights owners .

  5. 而根据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)数据,2014年,美国与加拿大合计人均到影院观影次数为3.7次。

    the equivalent for the US and Canada combined was 3.7 in 2014 , according to the Motion Picture Association of America .

  6. 根据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)数据,去年中国的电影票房总收入达48亿美元,较前一年增长了34%。

    Ticket sales totaled $ 4.8 billion last year , a 34 percent increase from a year earlier , according to the Motion Picture Association of America .

  7. 据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)的数据显示,虽然今年的票房开局强势,但美国和加拿大去年的票房收入与2002年相比下降了19%,跌至13亿美元。

    Box offices have started off strong this year , but the number of tickets sold in the U.S. and Canada slumped 19 % to 1.3 billion last year from 2002 , Motion Picture Association of America data show .

  8. 电影协会的放映主管丹尼斯·利姆(DennisLim)尤其喜爱她们的冒险精神。

    That appetite for risk is what Dennis Lim , director of programming at the Film Society , is most drawn to .

  9. 中国平均每天新增15块银幕。根据美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)的数据,中国去年的票房收入达到了48亿美元(约合300亿元人民币),是2010年的三倍。

    With China adding an average of 15 cinema screens every day , the country 's box office brought in $ 4.8 billion last year , tripling in size since 2010 , according to the Motion Picture Association of America .

  10. 美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)周四发布的报告中提到了上述新数据。数据凸显出,中国对好莱坞电影制作公司的重要性正不断增强,虽然这些公司在向中国出口电影时仍然面临着挑战。

    The new data , contained in a report released Thursday by the Motion Picture Association of America , underscores the growing importance of China to Hollywood 's studios despite the ongoing challenges they face in exporting their movies there .

  11. 澳大利亚影视艺术学院奖设立于1958年,最初是澳大利亚电影协会(AFI)的奖项。

    AACTA , founded in 1958 , was originally the Australian Film Institute ( AFI ) Awards .

  12. 本月,谷歌的总法律顾问肯特·沃克(KentWalker)对美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)进行了谴责,因为此前,被黑客窃取的索尼的电子邮件显示,协会打算重新推动一部反盗版提案。

    This month , Google 's general counsel , Kent Walker , criticized the Motion Picture Association of America after the disclosure - in Sony emails that the hackers stole - of a plan by the association to revive an antipiracy bill .

  13. 正如美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)首席执行官克里斯托弗•J•多德(ChristopherJ.Dodd)在为青岛影都录制的视频中所说,“每当观众人数出现增长,所有人都会受益。”

    As the Motion Picture Association of America 's chief executive , Christopher J. Dodd , said in a video infomercial for the Qingdao complex that played as part of the event , " Any time an audience grows , everyone benefits . "

  14. 美国电影协会纪录片节总监迈克尔·兰普金(MichaelLumpkin)说,这个变化更强调纪录片在媒体消费中所扮演的显著作用。

    Michael Lumpkin , director of the American Film Institute 's documentary festival , said the shifts underscored the more prominent role that documentaries play in our culture 's media consumption .

  15. 英国电影协会会长约翰伍德沃德(JohnWoodward)表示:你很容易在餐厅找到座位、在酒店订到房间,约见购片商也不难。大家似乎都在喝红酒或白葡萄酒,而非香槟。

    You can easily get tables in restaurants , hotel rooms and secure meetings with buyers . People seem to be drinking red and white wine instead of champagne , says John Woodward , chief executive of the UK Film Council .

  16. 我是本地电影协会委员会的委员。

    I 'm on the Committee of the local film society .

  17. 从9月25日起,中国将允许影院上座率上限提升到75%。中国电影协会表示,此次调整仍有一些观影限制,包括订票方式以及在电影院里戴口罩等。

    China will allow cinema capacity limits to increase to 75 percent starting from September 25 .

  18. 这是我们向美国电影协会提交的《南方公园》电影最新剪辑版。

    Here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA .

  19. .“凯蒂·艾伦是英国电影协会分销及商业战略部门的高级经理。

    Katie Ellen is Senior Manager for Distribution and Commercial Strategy with the British Film Institute .

  20. 他是创始人和文学与电影协会会长,并在电视台工作。

    He is founder and president of the Literature and Film Association and has worked in television .

  21. 美国电影协会的最佳电影名录中把这部影片的配乐列为了所有电影的第一位。

    The American Film Institute 's list of best scores lists the StarWars soundtrack at number one .

  22. 美国电影协会公布了关于电影中使用抽烟镜头新的规定。

    The Motion Picture Association of America , or MPAA unveiled new rules affecting tobacco use in films .

  23. 美国电影协会把记者提出的问题转给了该组织在亚洲的官员,不过后者暂时无法发表置评。

    The MPA referred questions to the group 's officials in Asia , who weren 't available to comment .

  24. 肯·莱绅,美国电影协会美国人所做的其中一件事就是面向大众市场生产电影。

    One of the things the American did was , they are making the movies for the mass market .

  25. 今年在纽约林肯中心电影协会成立25周年庆典上受到嘉奖。

    This year he is honoured by the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York at its 25th anniversary tribute .

  26. 作为美国电影协会主席,里根开始卷人电影业中的一些敏感争端中。

    As president of the Screen Actors Guild , Reagan became embroiled in disputes over some sensitive issue in the film industry ;

  27. 1997年,这部影片被美国电影协会评为史上第32部最伟大的影片。

    In 1997 , the film was ranked as the thirty-second greatest film in American cinema history by the American Film Institute .

  28. 美国电影协会把《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》列为世纪100部最佳电影作品之一。

    The American Film Institute has included Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner among the top 100 films of the 20th century .

  29. 目前,该国国内贸易官员告诉美国电影协会有盗版集团企图谋害这两条狗。

    Now domestic trade officials have told the MPA that they believe the piracy syndicates have put out a contract on the dogs .

  30. 在美国电影协会百年最佳电影中将这部影片列为了第52部最伟大的电影作品。

    The American Film Institute ranked Taxi Driver asthe 52nd greatest American film on their AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Movies list .