
  • 网络box office;box-office
  1. 这部电影票房收入已达1.8亿英镑。

    The film has taken £ 180 million at the box office

  2. 这部电影票房惨淡。

    The film flopped badly at the box office .

  3. 这部电影票房收入不佳。

    The movie was not a commercial success .

  4. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  5. 2010年,有几部3D电影票房惨淡。

    Several 3D films flopped at the box office in 2010 .

  6. 电影票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片是全球有史以来最卖座的黑色喜剧电影。

    It has become the highest-grossing dark comedy of all time worldwide , according to box office mojo .

  7. 根据BoxOfficeMojo(亚马逊旗下系统性统计票房的网站)统计,自1991年迪斯尼的动画长片《美女与野兽》上映以来,该电影票房总收入达4.25亿美元。

    Disney 's animated Beauty and the Beast has grossed nearly $ 425 million since its 1991 release , according to Box Office Mojo .

  8. 根据电影票房数据库BoxOfficeMojo统计,该公司没有一部电影跻身本季票房前25之列。

    The studio did not have a single film among the season 's top 25 performers , according to Box Office Mojo , a database .

  9. 研究机构IHSTechnology表示,去年中国成为美国以外首个电影票房收入突破40亿美元的国家,增长了近五分之二。

    Last year , China 's box office became the first outside the US to surpass $ 4bn , with revenues rising nearly two-fifths year on year , says researcher IHS Technology .

  10. 不过当微博知名大V“电影票房”发出“停止这种电影营销行为”的微博时,网友们开始审视该票房的真实性。

    Internet users began to speculate on the authenticity of box office earnings , with renowned Sina Weibo user dianyingpiaofang , calling to " stop films from paying the price of these actions . "

  11. 他还通过谈判为其客户争取到巨额报酬,签订了先期总票房(firstdollargross)协议,保证明星们在制片厂回收第一分钱投资之前取得电影票房的大块收入。

    He also negotiated enormous pay for his clients , securing first dollar gross deals that ensured the stars got paid a chunk of the movie 's box-office receipts before the studio had recouped a penny of its investment .

  12. 这部由周润发、章子怡和杨紫琼主演的影片取得了意想不到的成功,在线电影票房网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片在全球共获得了2.135亿美元的票房。

    It starred Chow Yun-fat , Zhang Ziyi and Ms. Yeoh and was an unexpected hit ─ pulling in a world-wide total of $ 213.5 million , according to Box Office Mojo .

  13. 它也正在利用自己的规模优势。最近迪士尼公司同意斥资40亿美元收购惊奇娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)——这家漫画公司凭借《钢铁侠》(IronMan)和《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)创下了电影票房纪录。

    It is using that size to its advantage , recently agreeing to buy Marvel Entertainment -- the comic book company now churning out box office hits like Iron Man and Spider-Man -- for $ 4 billion .

  14. 根据行业研究机构MediabyNumbers的调查,2009年的电影票房比去年增加了16.5%,按照这个增幅,今年院线将有19亿美元进账,而去年仅有16亿美元,此外影院的上座数也增长了近15%。言情小说

    And according to industry researcher Media by Numbers , 2009 's box office sales are tracking 16.5 percent higher than the year before - at this rate , theaters will make $ 1.9 billion , versus last year 's $ 1.6 billion - with attendance up nearly 15 percent .

  15. 演员们的收入预估是基于尼尔森、电影票房统计网站(Mojo)和电影票房排行榜网站(IMDB)的数据以及对业内人士的采访。

    Earnings estimates are based on data from Nielsen , Box Office Mojo and IMDB , as well as interviews with industry insiders .

  16. 至于其他电影票房方面的消息,狮门影业公司(LionsGateEntertainmentCorp.)出品的《分歧者》(Divergent)第二周票房跌至第二位,上周票房估计为2650万美元,上映以来北美总票房为9530万美元。

    In other box office news , ' Divergent ' from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. dropped to second place in its second week , collecting an estimated $ 26.5 million for a cumulative $ 95.3 million in the U.S. and Canada .

  17. 调查集团IHS表示,去年,中国电影票房收入大涨40%,增至68亿美元,到2018年中国将超过美国成为全球最大电影市场。

    China 's cinema box office revenues surged 40 per cent last year to $ 6.8bn and the country will overtake the US as the world 's largest movie market by 2018 , according to research group IHS .

  18. 华纳兄弟负责影片国内发行的总裁费尔曼(DanFellman)说,同一个周末上映的两部R级电影票房均超过2100万美元的情况尚属首次出现。

    It 's the first time two R-rated movies have both opened over $ 21 million in the same weekend , according to Dan Fellman , Warner Bros. ' president of domestic distribution .

  19. 根据Rentrak资深分析师保罗德加拉伯迪安(PaulDergarabedian)的说法,《原力觉醒》或许会首次将美国全年总票房推升至超过110亿美元,并导致全球总票房超过400亿美元。Rentrak是一家跟踪研究电影票房收入的机构。

    The Force Awakens could lift total annual US box office returns past $ 11bn for the first time and power global takings above $ 40bn , according to Paul Dergarabedian , a senior analyst with Rentrak , which monitors box office performance .

  20. 性和暴力使电影票房收入剧增。

    Sex and violence have sold a lot of cinema tickets .

  21. 韩国国内电影票房现状分析

    The Analysis on the Box Office of the Korean Films at Home

  22. 本周末的电影票房冠军是《消失的爱人》。

    At the weekend box office Gone Girl took the top spot .

  23. 中国电影票房出现了一个奇迹。

    A miracle has happened at the Chinese box office .

  24. 去年美国的总体电影票房有轻微的下跌。

    Total sales of cinema tickets fell slightly in America last year .

  25. 哈利·波特这个戴眼镜的小男巫创造了他迄今为止最大的电影票房奇迹。

    The bespectacled boy wizard has worked his biggest box-office magic to date .

  26. 现在他已经成为电影票房的保证。

    And look at him now-a box-office guarantee .

  27. 例如,我需要这部电影票房大卖;

    For example , I need this film to be a box office success ;

  28. 它还带动了150亿美元的电影票房。

    it also launched of 15 billion dollar business empire from blood baster movies .

  29. 美一分析家试图找出电影票房收入每况愈下的原因。

    An American analyst tries to find out why box office receipts are going down .

  30. 你知不知道我的电影票房超过了28亿?

    Don 't you know that my films have grossed more than $ 2.8 billion ?