
  • 网络ECT;Electroconvulsive Therapy;electroconvulsive
  1. 有些人宣称电痉挛疗法既有效又安全,反对者说它既无效又危险,而公众则根本无所适从。

    There are some who claim ECT is both effective and safe , detractors who claim it is neither , and a public that is simply unsure .

  2. 他确认了产后抑郁症的诊断,建议采取电痉挛疗法(ECT),患者和她的丈夫都表示接受。

    He confirms diagnosis of post-puerperal depression and advises Electro-Convulsive Therapy ( ECT ), which patient and husband are now willing to accept .

  3. 他“确认了产后抑郁症的诊断,建议采取电痉挛疗法(ECT),患者和她的丈夫都表示接受”。

    He " confirms diagnosis of post-puerperal depression and advises Electro-Convulsive Therapy ( ECT ) , which patient and husband are now willing to accept . "

  4. 方法将我院1999年1~5月期间,所有接受改良电痉挛疗法治疗100例精神病患者(426例次)的临床资料进行总结分析。

    Method The clinical data of 100 patients who had received MECT for during January to May.1999 in our hospital were analyzed .