
  • 网络electromagnetic lens;Condenser Lens
  1. 论证了电磁透镜消球差的基本原理,并提出了解决介质透镜技术和改善透镜修正系统总效率的办法,从而实现了多波束球形反射面天线对大空域指向跟踪。

    The basic theory of correcting aberration with electromagnetic lens is argued , and the methods to solve the technique problems of dielectric lens and to improve total efficiency of system for the spherical reflector antenna are presented .

  2. 用假设弱透镜焦距表达式是一个幂级数中的第一项的方法,可以导出相当准确且便于实用的电磁电子透镜物镜焦距公式。

    By assuming the weak lens focal length expression to be the first term in a power series , a simple and accurate formula can be derived for the objective focal length of a magnetic electron lens .

  3. 精细结构常数与原子结构若干特征量的关系电磁六极透镜的结构常数

    Fine-structure constant and series of characteristic value of relation in the atomic structure

  4. 电磁波双曲透镜是利用金属与介电质,周期层状排列的圆柱状结构。

    EM hyperlens is a cylindrical structure consisting of periodically arranged metallic and dielectric material layers .

  5. 关于电磁复合聚焦阴极透镜的象差理论

    On aberration theory of the combined electromagnetic focussing cathode lenses

  6. 本文运用变分原理研究了电磁复合聚焦阴极透镜的象差理论,导出了在任意象平面中象差系数的普遍公式。

    In this paper , the aberration theory for cathode lenses with combined electrostatic and magnetic focusing is discussed in detail .

  7. 这种热释电红外传感器采用正弦波电流发生器和电磁线圈产生电磁力驱动凸透镜进行微幅摆动。

    This sensor adopts a sine-wave current generator and a magnetic coil to produce electromagnetic force that drives the convex lens to swing slightly .

  8. 本论文除了介绍双曲透镜的基本理论、模拟方法以及电磁波与声波的类似性外,还针对电磁波双曲透镜的特性做各种探讨。

    In this paper , we introduce the basic theories , simulation methods , the analogies between the electromagnetic and acoustic wave systems , and discuss various properties of EM hyperlens as well .