
  • 网络Computer Hard Disk;seagate;ide;portable hard disk
  1. 这幅图像当时就以大量黑点或白点排列的形式被存入电脑硬盘。

    The image is then stored on the computer hard disk as a vast array of black or white dots .

  2. 当您注册使用我们的一项服务时,世行就设置了一个cookie,即储存在您电脑硬盘上的一小段代码,它可以帮您管理订阅的出版物和在线资料。

    When you register for one of our services , the World Bank sets a cookie , a small bit of code stored on your computer 's hard drive that enables you to manage your subscriptions and online profile .

  3. 很大一部分电脑硬盘均在泰国生产。

    Significant portion of hard drives are made in Thailand .

  4. 从电脑硬盘上完整地消除数据并不容易。

    Completely removing data from a computer hard drive is not easy .

  5. 由一个简单的手提电脑硬盘记录数据

    simple hard drive from a laptop to record it ,

  6. 电脑硬盘常见故障的处理方法

    Common Faults Treatment Methods of Computer Harddisk

  7. 萨拉姆·赛义德的电脑硬盘。

    Yasin Said 's laptop hard drive .

  8. 发生这种情况时,暂时使用的电脑硬盘空间作为额外的记忆体。

    When this occurs , the computer temporarily uses hard drive space as additional memory .

  9. 大脑采集、存储信息的方式和电脑硬盘有很大不同,而且要复杂得多。

    The brain does not simply gather and stockpile information as a computer 's hard drive does .

  10. 介绍电脑硬盘软故障和硬故障的现象及处理方法。

    This paper presents the phenomena of soft and hard faults of computer harddisk and their treatment methods .

  11. 你的任务有变:在拿到亚辛·赛义德的电脑硬盘之前不得杀他。

    Here are your amended orders : do not kill Yasin Said until you access his laptop hard drive .

  12. 他象是在透露秘密一样的告诉我“要比那更糟糕,我把妻子的电脑硬盘弄崩溃了!”

    " It 's even worse than that ," he confided . " I crashed my wife 's hard drive !"

  13. 警方拷贝了大量电脑硬盘资料,并在不允许员工咨询律师的情况下对他们进行讯问。

    Police officials are copying large numbers of computer hard drives and interrogating employees without allowing access to legal advice .

  14. 不要让记忆留在电脑硬盘上等着被你遗忘——把它们留在一个专门的旅游影集里。

    Don 't let your memories get lost on your computer hard drive ; make a special keepsake album of your trip .

  15. 你的图片不是和你喜欢的人分享,而是储存在电脑硬盘上吗?

    23HQ : Are your photos stuck on your hard drive , instead of being shared with the people who matter to you ?

  16. 一开始,我利用一个快速上传工具将电脑硬盘里的几批数码照片拖拉到网站上。

    I got started by dragging and dropping batches of digital photos from my hard drive onto the site using a fast uploading tool .

  17. 因此,你的电脑硬盘是完全是,有一簇按照这种方式排列的磁性粒子。

    So on your computer 's hard drive are again , a whole bunch of tiny magnetic particles aligned this way or this way .

  18. 在化学镀镍过程中,电脑硬盘驱动臂与挂架接触处易产生黑斑、气泡和脱皮现象。

    Black spot , air bubble and scaling are usally produced during electroless nickel plating of computer hard disk drivers at the contact site with rack .

  19. 详细介绍了当笔记本电脑硬盘数据遭到意外破坏或者系统瘫痪不能通过硬盘引导时,如何快速有效的对系统数据进行恢复。

    This paper describes how to restore the system of a laptop computer when the data in the harddisk is destroyed or the system is halted .

  20. 一些材料拥有可以自然而然地形成显微结构的非凡能力,从而有望使以更低成本制造存储空间更大的电脑硬盘成为可能。

    Materials which have the remarkable ability to assemble themselves spontaneously into microscopic structures are promising to make possible higher-capacity computer hard disc drives at lower cost .

  21. 该系统可实时采集压力位移信号并实时显示,又可将数据以文件形势保存于电脑硬盘当中,整个系统具有较高的精度和稳定性。

    The system can instantly display the data of pressure and displacement of bearing , write the data into hard disk and save the data in the form of file .

  22. 无数人力方面的消息告诉我们,伊拉克人不仅将文件和电脑硬盘转移走了,还把大规模杀伤性武器转移走了,以免被核查人员发现。

    Numerous human sources tell us that the Iraqis are moving , not just documents and hard drives , but weapons of mass destruction to keep them from being found by inspectors .

  23. 当然,你不可能记住所有人的琐碎的事情,所以,在电脑硬盘上准备一份文件,整理好所有同事比较重要的事情:孩子的名字,最近的节日,患病史。

    Of course you can 't be expected to actually remember every tom or Fabian so compile a file on your personal hard drive with some key facts about each of your colleagues : children 's names , recent holiday , and previous ailments .

  24. 不幸的是,现在市场上某些膝上电脑的硬盘具有这样一种不可靠的特性,即忽略将它们的写高速缓存刷新到磁盘上的所有正式ATA请求。

    Unfortunately , certain laptop hard drives now on the market have the dubious feature of ignoring any official ATA request to flush their write cache to disk .

  25. Jhai电脑没有硬盘,而是依靠闪存芯片存储资料。

    Instead of a hard disk , the Jhai PC relies on flash-memory chips to store its data .

  26. 你觉得这个电脑的硬盘被破坏了?

    You think the computer 's hard drive is damaged ?

  27. 大使馆提醒那些打算到加拿大旅行的中国公民,在来之前要删除他们的手机、电脑或硬盘上的敏感或非法内容。

    The embassy warned Chinese citizens who plan to come to Canada to delete sensitive or illegal content on their phones , computers or hard disks before traveling .

  28. 伯奇博士说,每支这样的试管现在可保存约七十亿字节的数据(一台小型手提电脑的硬盘也就这么大的空间)。

    Dr Birge says that each cuvette can now hold about seven gigabytes of data ( a small laptop computer might have about this much space on its hard drive ) .

  29. 联邦快递拥有654架飞机组成的机队,每天能够运输1.2吨的货物,而笔记本电脑固态硬盘的重量一般是78克,容量最高可达1TB。

    FedEx has a fleet of 654 aircraftwith a lift capacity of 26.5 million pounds daily . A solid-state laptop driveweighs about 78 grams and can hold up to a terabyte .

  30. 反恐中心提到,由于这些电子文件都保存在指状储存器、存储卡、以及拉登电脑的硬盘里,因此不清楚这些信件是否已经顺利发送到目的地。

    Given that the electronic documents were saved on thumb drives , memory cards or the hard drive of bin Laden 's computer , the center noted , it 's unclear whether any of these letters reached their intended destinations .