
  • 网络television production;tv production
  1. ULTRA虚拟演播室软件在教育电视制作中的运用

    Application of the ULTRA virtual studio software in the instructional television production

  2. 与此同时,伊丽莎白拒绝了新闻集团的董事职位,以便继续经营其独立的电视制作公司shine。

    Meanwhile , LIS Murdoch turned down a board seat at News Corp in order to keep running shine , her independent television production company .

  3. 这则广告本来是为电视制作的,但它在youtube上也被观看了数百万次。

    The advert was made for television but was also viewed millions of times on YouTube .

  4. 这是对这个充满灵感和创意无限的优秀电视制作团队全体人员的完美证明和无限鼓舞,我们也期望能够继续和CBS的合作。

    This is a testament to the inspired and brilliant work of the show 's entire creative team , and we look forward to continuing this highly successful partnership .

  5. 在八月八号,它宣布和BBCWorldwide&英国广播公司的商业部门,达成广泛协议共同制作节目,他们旨在为美国电视制作节目。

    On August8th it announced a broad agreement to co-produce shows with BBC Worldwide , the British broadcaster 's commercial arm , which is moving into producing shows for American television .

  6. 微软负责电视制作的泰勒姆(NancyTellem)说,此举是微软将其Xbox技术应用到电视制作领域的开端。

    Nancy Tellem , head of Microsoft 's television studio efforts , said the effort is the beginning of Microsoft 's efforts to apply its Xbox technology to the way television works .

  7. 去年年底,电子音乐家惠特尼(Whitey)所写的一封电子邮件在网络上广为流传,该信是他对一家电视制作公司的回应。

    At the end of last year , an email written by the electronic musician Whitey , in response to a television production company , went viral .

  8. 电视制作公司老板埃里克兰斯德尔(ericransdell)想了一会儿说道:“这座城市的最伟大之处在于它不断进步。”

    Eric ransdell , a TV production company boss , thinks for a moment and then says " the best thing about this city is that it just keeps getting better . "

  9. 该公司专擅制作喜剧,但涉足了从电视制作到现场演出的一切业务,连公共关系都没落下。Avalon博得了其他广播公司的敬仰,即使该公司以在谈价格时特别咄咄逼人著称。

    It specialises in presenting comedy , but does everything from TV production to live performance and even public relations . It commands respect from broadcasters , even though it is known to drive hard bargains .

  10. 光盘技术的发展及其在电视制作中的应用

    Development of Optical Disc Technology and Its Application in TV Production

  11. 网络技术在电视制作播出中的应用

    The Application of Network Tech to TV Programme Making and Broadcasting

  12. 虚拟演播室应用于教育电视制作的前景

    Prospect of the Application of Virtual Studio in Educational TV Programming

  13. 我国民营电视制作机构运营分析

    Analysis of Operation & Management of Privately-owned TV Institutes in China

  14. 策划是现代电视制作传播的重要环节。

    Scheming is the key link in modern television design .

  15. 为电视制作的电影定义。

    A movie that is made expecially for tv .

  16. 几个月来,我们一直在大力进行招聘,构建我们的电视制作能力。

    We have been hiring aggressively and building our TV capabilities for months .

  17. 话筒在电视制作中的选择和使用

    How to Select and Use Microphones in TV Production

  18. 应用于电视制作的非线性编辑网

    An Non-linear Editing Network for TV Program Production

  19. 省、地级天气预报电视制作系统视频设备的选择

    Choice of Video Installation for Processing System of Provincial and Local Televised Weather Forecast

  20. 电视制作在高校图书馆的应用

    Application of Television Production in Academic Libraries

  21. 全数字电视制作系统的设计考虑

    Considerations about Full Digital TV production System

  22. 电视制作中涉及的存储技术

    Memory Techniques in TV Program Production

  23. 对迪克·克拉克制作公司进行的这笔交易原本标志着该集团将进军电视制作行业。

    The Dick Clark Productions deal would have marked the group 's entry into television production .

  24. 制播分离催生了民营电视制作机构的迅速崛起;

    The separation of producing and broadcasting has given rise to a great many TV production agencies .

  25. 但兄弟俩随后上演了一场为电视制作的飞车追逐;后来,他们又从藏匿处给电视台打电话。

    But the brothers then staged a made-for-TV car chase , and later called a TV station from their hide-out .

  26. 电视制作进入图书馆,更新了人们的传统观念,是图书馆工作的一个创新。

    The application of television production to libraries is updating people 's traditional ideas and is an innovation in library work .

  27. 为电视制作科学新闻具有挑战性而且很费力,特别是在你的截稿时间很紧张的时候。

    It 's challenging and demanding to produce science news for television , especially if you are working to tight deadlines .

  28. 不管怎样,如果事实证明令人兴奋的电视制作事业并不适合于他,斯佩克也有一条退路。

    However if the heady world of television production proves not to be for him , Spake has an escape route .

  29. 如果你打算为电视制作科学新闻,那么请做好迎接信息包装的挑战。

    If you 've set your eye on producing science news for television , then be ready for an information-packing challenge .

  30. 数字化、网络化技术的迅猛发展,为电视制作带来了全新的工作模式和理念。

    The rapid development of digital and network techniques has shed light on the operational mode and idea of TV program producing .