
  • 网络Telephone Advertising
  1. 肯定那是那个电话广告结果还真是

    I bet it 's that phone commercial . And sure enough ,

  2. 让您的手指为您代步吧。60年代的电话广告。

    " Let your fingers do the walking " advertisement for using the telephone , 1960s .

  3. 如果他在外面逗留到很晚,他一定会在做着德国移动电话广告的霓虹灯下漫步回到宾馆。

    And if he stayed out late enough , he would have undoubtedly been able to stroll back to the hotel under the colorful neon lights advertising German cellular phones .

  4. 贵公司三月八日在XX报上刊登招聘电话接线员广告,本人拜读极感兴趣,相信能担任此职。

    Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the newspaper of March 8 has interested me , I feel I can fill that position .

  5. W:你好,我打电话咨询广告上的一居室公寓。

    W : Hi , I 'm calling about the ad for the one bedroom apartment .

  6. 有些私人广告只用标题和联系电话,广告就做好了。

    It will be ok that only heading and contact phone number are applied in private advertising .

  7. 有一个他没有经历过的,而任何经历过的同事都可以告诉他的事实,那就是公司不会从电话本广告中招聘管理顾问。

    What never occurred to him and what any experienced colleague could have told him was that companies don 't choose management consultants from ads in the phone book .

  8. 有位叫海伦•福特的小姐,今天上午来电话应聘我们广告招聘的初级秘书。

    A Miss Helen Ford telephoned this morning in answer to our advertisement for a Junior Secretary .

  9. 主要业务为从事电信网络用户设备及无线电话系统及广告传媒机构之研发、制造与外销,产品营销国际。

    The main business engaged in telecommunications network equipment and mobile telephone users and advertising media R & D , manufacturing and export , International Product Marketing .

  10. 贵公司各行销部门长期习惯用同属贵公司之大量播放系统,向市内电话逐户播放广告。

    Your company 's various marketing departments have had the long term habit of using your own broadcast system to play advertisement recordings to each subscriber 's home telephone .

  11. 我打电话想来应聘你们广告上说的助理一职。

    I 'm inquiring about your advertisement for an assistant .

  12. 黄页作为一种电话号码查询的广告媒体。

    The advertising media which Huang Ye inquires about as a kind of telephone number .

  13. 并且他们花更多时间讨论其他特点使移动电话中可以看到广告。

    And those who spend more time talking to other characters will see adverts for mobile phones .

  14. 几个月前,该市的市长彼得·鲍勃在一次等红灯时,看到这些难看的小广告,突然想出一招防止它们扩散的方法,因为他看到罪犯们把电话号码留在小广告上。

    While stopping for a red light a few months ago , Hollywood Mayor Peter Bober studied the ghastly signs and came to a realization that would help him stop them from spreading : The criminals had left their calling cards in the form of business phone numbers .