
nán nǚ ɡuān xì
  • relations between the two sexes
  1. 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。

    My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage .

  2. 充满暴力的男女关系中总是存在着死亡和凶杀的可能性。

    Death and murder always lurk as potentials in very violent relationships .

  3. 你要是让男人和女人一起呆在不友好的环境里,男女关系肯定会紧张。

    If you have men and women thrown together in inhospitable surroundings , you are going to get some sexual tension

  4. 应马上结束这种不正当的男女关系。

    The illicit love affair should end immediately .

  5. JohnGray是研究男女关系的专家,他认为男人和女人之间的矛盾产生的根源在于他们没有认识到双方的不同之处。

    According to relationship counselor John Gray , difficulties in relationships between a man and a woman lie in the lack of understanding and acceptance of the differences between the two sexes .

  6. 在虚构的广告公司SterlingCooper里,男女关系乱作一团,人们受到伤害,怀的孩子也不是自己老公的。

    At Sterling Cooper , the fictional ad agency , the fornication is messy and people get hurt and babies get conceived out of wedlock .

  7. 我不知道为什么我…你瞧Vanessa和我relationship:关系,男女关系complicated:复杂的我们的关系有点复杂。

    I don 't know why I. .. look , Vanessa and I. .. our relationship is a little complicated , or it was , before I met you .

  8. 我在男女关系上运气不好。

    Ve had some bad luck when it comes to relationships .

  9. 我认为,你和你的老板有不正当男女关系。

    I think you 've been deceiving me with your boss .

  10. 他在寻找一份认真、负责和长期的男女关系。

    He is looking for a woman for a commit relationship .

  11. 但是它没有同样的方式影响所有的男女关系。

    But it has not affected all male-female relationships the same way .

  12. 男女关系已经变成了性的同义词了吗?

    Has " relationship " become synonymous with " sex "?

  13. 泰皮人身体健壮,男女关系自由随便。

    The typees are physically beautiful , relaxed in their sexual mores .

  14. 可不是说他乱搞男女关系。

    Can not say he fucks the relationships between men and women .

  15. 父母是酒鬼乱搞男女关系。

    Whose parents sit around drinking and screwing their cousins .

  16. 她对男女关系与其说是注重贞节,毋宁说是持身谨慎。

    She was sexually not so much chaste as prudish .

  17. 无论是公开的社会活动,还是私密的男女关系,里面都有磋商。

    Consultation exists in whether public social activities or private sexual relations .

  18. 那里有一节专讲男女关系的。

    There is a section dealing with sexual matters .

  19. 4.:(在男女关系上)对……不�就像考试作弊被老师当场抓个正着一样。

    eg. Like when you cheat on exams and the teacher caught you .

  20. 对诗歌的共同兴趣使这一对男女关系更加密切。

    The man and woman were drawn together by an interest in poetry .

  21. 为了你的缘故,我感到遗憾的是,我不曾有过那种毫无希望的不正当男女关系。

    I 'm sorry for your sake that I had no hopeless amour .

  22. 难道男女关系已经成了90年代的宗教信仰?

    Are relationships the religion of the ' 90s ?

  23. 虽然那时生存很困难,但男女关系却很简单。

    Survival was difficult but the relationship was easy .

  24. 第二章分析了小说中体现出来的不平等的男女关系。

    Chapter Two analyzes the unbalanced male and female relationship in the novel .

  25. 这个故事告诉我们:男女关系不好就会带来烦恼。

    The moral is : Wickedness between women and men brings unhappiness to both .

  26. 但是从男女关系的角度说,无论是谁对谁错。

    But in relationships , no matter who 's right and who 's wrong .

  27. 他们不是我在这世界上能学的男女关系的榜样。

    There were no examples set for me in the world of male-female relationships .

  28. 乱搞男女关系可不好。

    It is not good to sleep around .

  29. 婚姻是一个决定成年男女关系的社会政治制度。

    Marriage is a social and political institution that determines the relationship between adults .

  30. 我听说你竟不顾我的忠告和有夫之妇乱搞男女关系。

    I hear you 've been messing with married women in spite of my advice .