
  1. 他决定留在北京。

    He has decided to stay in Beijing .

  2. 托普必须留在北京。

    Top had to stay in Peking .

  3. 我先前去过中国的其他城市,最后决定留在北京。

    Answer : I ended up in Beijing because I had visited the city before .

  4. 他说:我想留在北京,因此北京市学生集体户口是个良好开端。

    I want to stay in Beijing , so a students ' collective Beijing urban hukou is a promising start , he says .

  5. 那次朝鲜游之后我做出了一个决定:留在北京,创建一家面向其他西方游客的旅游公司。

    That was my first trip to North korea , and it made me decide to stay in Beijing and set up a travel company for other Western tourists .

  6. 问原因,她说,毕业之后想留在北京,衣食住行都要花钱,总不能坐吃山空。

    Asked why , she said , wanted to stay in Beijing after graduation , basic necessities of life is to spend money , cannot rest on their laurels .

  7. 报告称,通常毕业生会选择留在北京而放弃小城市的工作,尽管这需要承受每月超过1120元的固定成本。

    Graduates on average were likely to turn down a job in a smaller city that paid up to 1120 yuan more a month to stay in Beijing , the report said .

  8. 他打算把大部分现场门票(场地在北京,具体有待确定)发给留在北京过年的农民工。

    He plans to give the bulk of tickets to the live show , which will be staged in a to-be-determined Beijing venue , to migrant workers who are stuck in Beijing during the holiday .

  9. 但是我不愿留在北京,西山更不愿去了,我决计搭车南下,在无人认识的地方,浪费我生命的余剩;

    I do n 't want to stay in Beijing and I do n 't want to go to the western hills . I 'm going to take the train southward where no one knows me and waste away what 's left of my life .

  10. 把你留在了北京。

    I left you in Beijing .

  11. 这个道具的残存还留在长城的北京门头沟段,在“沿字三号敌台”附近。

    The remains of the prop set are still at the section of the Great Wall in Mentougou , Beijing , built near the No. 3 Watchtower .