
  1. 经国家有关部门批准后,会根据疫情防控需要在这一人群中推动接种。

    Following approval by relevant authorities , vaccination prevention and control situation .

  2. 疫情防控任重道远。

    We still have a long way to go in pandemic prevention and control .

  3. 中国有信心、有能力、有把握打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。

    The Chinese people have the confidence and capability1 to win the battle against the epidemic2 .

  4. 做好疫情防控工作,直接关系人民生命安全和身体健康,直接关系经济社会大局稳定,也事关我国对外开放。

    The outcome of the epidemic prevention and control directly affects people 's lives and health , the overall economic and social stability and the country 's opening-up

  5. 要完善重大疫情防控体制机制,健全公共卫生应急管理体系,深入开展爱国卫生运动。

    Efforts should be made to improve both the mechanism and the public health emergency response and management system , and to carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns .

  6. 游客要密切关注各地疫情防控部门发布的疫情风险情况,了解目的地最新疫情防控政策。

    Tourists are asked to pay close attention to the situation of epidemic risks released by local authorities and the latest epidemic prevention and control measures of their destination .

  7. 要危中寻机、化危为机,把这次疫情防控中暴露出来的短板和弱项加快补起来,把疫情防控中催生的新业态新模式加快壮大起来。

    We should seek opportunities in crises , fix the shortcomings and weak links exposed in the epidemic2 , and boost the development of new business models that appeared amid the COVID-19 outbreak .

  8. 在国家就地过年政策的作用下,今年铁路春运客流总体大幅下降。国铁集团1月31日发布的数据显示,在严格的疫情防控措施背景下,今年春运前三天铁路客流明显下降。

    The number of railway passenger trips took a nosedive in the first three days of the Spring Festival travel season amid stringent control measures , data from the national railway operator showed Sunday .

  9. 严格遵守疫情防控措施参与试运行测试体验的受邀客人需提前绑定身份信息,在主题公园入口处完成门票及身份核验,并通过疫情防控的相关检查,方可入园。

    The identity information of the invited guests will be pre-registered and invited guests must complete ticket and ID verification , and related pandemic control process at the park entrance before entering the park .

  10. 国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新表示,倡导大家在工作地过年,出门旅游要严格遵守景区疫情防控规定。

    People have been urged to stay in the cities where they work for the Spring Festival holiday and abide spots when traveling , according to Zeng Yixin , deputy head of the National Health Commission .

  11. 调查发现,60%的管理者对亚洲经济表示乐观,强有力的疫情防控措施以及区域一体化有望成为亚洲今年经济复苏的主要动力。

    More than 60 percent of surveyed business owners were optimistic about Asia 's economic recovery , and strong anti-pandemic measures and regional integration are expected to be the primary drivers of Asia 's economic recovery in the coming year .

  12. 曾益新表示,冬春季,尤其是春节期间,疫情防控形势依旧严峻、复杂,限制聚集活动及人员流动很有必要,同时建议错峰出行和线上消费。

    Zeng said the epidemic situation during the winter and spring was likely to remain grim and complex , especially in the upcoming Spring Festival , so it 's necessary to limit gatherings and the flow of people . He advised people to choose off-peak travel and online shopping .

  13. 加快建立同疫情防控相适应的经济社会运行秩序,完善相关举措,巩固和拓展这一来之不易的良好势头,力争全国经济社会发展早日全面步入正常轨道。

    We should speed up the establishment of an economic and social order compatible with the epidemic prevention and control , make efforts to consolidate and expand the hard-won positive trend , and bring the country 's economic and social development back to the normal track at an early date .

  14. 中国将继续同各国分享疫情防控有益经验,向应对疫情能力薄弱的国家和地区提供力所能及的帮助,促进疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性,助力世界早日彻底战胜疫情。

    China will continue to share its experience with other countries , do its best to assist countries and regions that are less prepared for the pandemic , and work for greater accessibility and affordability of COVID vaccines in developing countries . We hope these efforts will contribute to an early and complete victory over the coronavirus throughout the world .

  15. 互动式健康教育在甲型H1N1流感疫情防控中的效果研究

    Effectiveness of interactive health education in controlling influenza A / H1N1

  16. 安徽省加拿大一枝黄花生物疫情防控机制研究

    On Control Mechanism of Invasive Biology Solidago Canadensis in Anhui Province

  17. 湖南稻水象甲疫情防控初报

    Effect of Seed and Prevention of Rice Water Weevil in Hunan Province

  18. 突发传染病疫情防控中的刑法适用研究

    Study on Criminal Law Application of Crimes About Hindering Abrupt Contagion Prevention and Control

  19. 罗国伟称机场将继续加强疫情防控工作。

    Luo Guowei says the airports will continue to strengthen pandemic prevention and control work .

  20. 他表示,全国疫情防控形势积极向好的态势正在拓展。

    He says the positive trend in preventing and controlling the epidemic is expanding nationwide .

  21. 北京计划有条件地放宽对全市约700家养老院的疫情防控限制。

    Beijing plans to conditionally ease pandemic prevention and control restrictions at around 700 nursing homes .

  22. 目前中央政府已派出工作小组,指导当地的疫情防控工作。

    The central government has dispatched a working group to guide local prevention and control work .

  23. 对青海湖区野生鸟类禽流感疫情防控的几点思考

    Considerations on Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza Epidemic Situation of Wild Birds in Qinghai Lake Region

  24. 在严格落实疫情防控措施前提下,9月起,从新疆乌鲁木齐出发的多条航线将重新开放。

    Multiple air routes from Urumqi in Xinjiang will reopen in September under strict pandemic prevention measures .

  25. 参加疫情防控工作人员的补贴金免征个人所得税。

    Subsidies for people participating in epidemic prevention and control will be exempted from personal income tax .

  26. 奥克兰市将疫情防控响应等级升级为三级,同时全国其他地区升级为三级。

    Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 while the rest of the country goes into Level 2 .

  27. 他还表示,中方疫情防控工作坚持公开透明、高度负责。

    He also says that China 's epidemic prevention and control work is open , transparent and highly responsible .

  28. 他表示,应有序复工复产,同时也必须继续做好疫情防控工作。

    He says work and production should be resumed in an orderly manner while prevention and control work must continue .

  29. 香港特区卫生防护中心强调,尽管新增病例有所减少,但疫情防控措施不能松懈。

    The Center for Health Protection has stressed that anti-epidemic measures cannot be loosened despite the drop in new cases .

  30. 有关部门表示,目前仍有一定数量的无症状感染者,疫情防控工作不能放松。

    Authorities say a certain number of asymptomatic cases remain , and no relaxation is allowed in epidemic prevention and control .