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tòng kuai
  • delighted;joyful;very happy;straight forward;forthright;to one's heart's content;with it;simple and direct
痛快 [tòng kuài]
  • (1) [very happy;delighted]∶高兴;畅快

  • 拿了金牌心里真痛快

  • (2) [simple and direct;forthright;straight forward]∶爽快;直截了当

  • 大姐说话甚是痛快

  • (3) [with it] 〈方〉∶顺利

  • 睡醒了,很痛快

  • (4) [to one's heart's content]∶尽兴

  • 这个澡洗得真痛快

痛快[tòng kuai]
  1. 大家都不痛快,而我比谁都更不痛快!

    Everybody is not delighted , and who do I compare more indolence is fast !

  2. 我感觉到了娃娃在我脚下四分五裂,只觉得心里十分痛快。

    I was keenly delighted when I felt the fragments of the broken doll at my feet .

  3. 他决心在退休前最后痛痛快快地玩乐一番。

    He was determined to have one last fling before retiring .

  4. 她心里不痛快总是在家里人身上发泄。

    She tended to take her frustrations out on her family .

  5. 取得这场胜利,别提多么痛快了。

    I can 't tell you how sweet this victory is .

  6. 我为了帮助他而花掉的每一秒钟都令我不痛快。

    I begrudge every second I spent trying to help him .

  7. 我们玩得很痛快——棒极了。

    We had a great time ─ it was pretty neat .

  8. 我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯。

    I think we could all use a drink after that !

  9. 我看见他领先于我就心里不痛快。

    It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me .

  10. 我在海边痛痛快快玩了一天。

    I had a grand day out at the seaside .

  11. 我保证你会玩得很痛快。

    I can promise you , you 'll have a wonderful time .

  12. 今晚出去痛痛快快地玩一玩怎么样?

    How about going out on the town tonight ?

  13. 我们后来对此笑了个痛快。

    We had a good laugh about it afterwards .

  14. 我们在纽约玩得痛快极了。

    We had a wild time in New York .

  15. 有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。

    Sometimes you feel better for a good weep .

  16. 他们在聚会上都玩得非常痛快。

    They all enjoyed themselves at the party .

  17. 你玩得痛快吗?

    Did you have a nice time ?

  18. 我们玩得很痛快。

    We 've had a lovely time .

  19. 来呀,大家痛痛快快地吃吧!

    Come on , tuck in everyone !

  20. 我们过得真痛快。

    We had an ace time .

  21. 我们玩得痛快极了。

    We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves .

  22. 他们又是喝酒抽烟,又是打牌,玩得很痛快。

    They enjoy themselves drinking wine , smoking and playing cards .

  23. 他认识的一位女孩对他越来越粗的腰身说三道四,这让他心里很不痛快。

    A girl he knew had upset him by commenting on his increasing girth .

  24. 这是个好时机,他们应该出去痛快地玩一玩。

    It will be a marvellous occasion and they should go out and enjoy it .

  25. 我们一起玩得真痛快。

    We had a really good time together

  26. 我匆匆转过街角去痛快地喝杯啤酒,差点儿当场累趴下。

    I nipped round the corner for a quick beer and nearly pegged out on the spot .

  27. 我很高兴能够痛痛快快地吃我最喜爱的菜。

    I was delighted to be able to eat my favorite dishes to my heart 's content .

  28. 我们玩得很痛快。

    We had a super time

  29. 他总是哼儿哈儿的,就是不说句痛快话。

    He hemmed and hawed but wouldn 't say anything definite .

  30. 我们在这次野餐中玩得很痛快。

    We had lots of fun at the picnic .