
  • 网络Record date;date of record
  1. 实证结果表明权证上市日对标的股票价格的异常收益率的影响并不显著,而股权登记日前后有非常显著的异常收益率,这与以前文献的实证结果有所不同。

    The empirical results prove that the impact of the warrant issuing day on the underlying stocks abnormal return is insignificant , but the date of record is significant , this is different with the older article .

  2. 国外成熟的市场都十分关注股权登记日的信息披露,也有很多学者对其进行了研究。

    Mature foreign markets are very concerned about information disclosure to shareholders of record date , there are many scholars study was carried out .

  3. 派息日/除息日/登记日

    Pay Day / Ex-Dividend Day / Record Day

  4. 日记是私人的记事本。派息日/除息日/登记日

    A diary is an intimate book . Pay Day / Ex-Dividend Day / Record Day

  5. 对1995-2000年数据的研究结果表明,股价变动与股利比的均值小于1,得出除息日股价相对于股权登记日收盘价下跌幅度小于每股现金股利。

    Studying the relationship between dividends and stock price movements during 1995 to 2000 , we find the average of the ex-dividend day price ratio is less than one .

  6. 该行业协会还指出,今年复活节在3月份,导致登记日比去年减少两天,也对3月份的统计结果产生了负面影响。

    The trade group also noted that the March results had been negatively affected by the Easter holiday , which led to two fewer processing days this year than in 2007 .

  7. 会议通知中应当列明会议召开的时间、地点、方式,以及会议召集人和债权登记日等事项,并充分、完整地披露所有提案的具体内容。

    The meeting notice shall indicate time , place , way of holding the meeting and matters such as the convener of the meeting and registration date of creditor 's rights , and make a sufficient and complete disclosure on the specific contents of all proposals .

  8. 失业保险金自办理失业登记之日起计算。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is to be accounted from the day registration .

  9. 专利申请权或者专利权的转让自登记之日起生效。

    The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration .

  10. 布图设计专有权的转让自登记之日起生效。

    The assignment of the layout-design becomes effective on the date of registration .

  11. 受胁迫的一方撤销婚姻的请求,应当自结婚登记之日起一年内提出。

    Such a request shall be made within one year as of the marriage registration date .

  12. 此项退出应自登记之日起一年后发生效力。

    Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered .

  13. 土地所有权、使用权的变更,自变更登记之日起生效。

    The change in land ownership and use right takes effect as of the date of change in registration .

  14. 英国浪漫主义诗人乔治·登·伦生于伦敦。布图设计专有权的转让自登记之日起生效。

    George Gordon Byron , English Romantic poet , was born in London . The assignment of the layout-design becomes effective on the date of registration .

  15. 十四、本合同经双方签章后,自房地产租赁管理机构登记之日起生效。

    XIV . On the day of registering in Real Estate Leasing Administration , this contract comes into force upon signatures and seal of both parties .

  16. 合营公司注册登记之日,为合营公司董事会成立之日。

    The date of registration of the joint venture company shall be regarded as the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the joint venture company .

  17. 第三十一条学校及其他教育机构具备法人条件的,自批准设立或者登记注册之日起取得法人资格。

    Article 31 A school or any other institution of education that meets the requirements for a legal person shall acquire the status of a legal person from the date on which its establishment is approved or it is registered .

  18. 及时编制收付款凭证,登记银行、现金日记账。

    Make book entries involving in the cash inflow and outflow together with maintain cash and bank journals .

  19. 超过133万名登记选民在投票日投票,投票率为43.6%。

    Over 1.33 million registered electors cast their votes on the polling day , representing a turnout rate of 43.6 per cent .

  20. 市政府结婚登记处没有休息日,没有不开放的时间,24小时昼夜服务,人们任何时候想结婚,都可办理登记。

    The city registry of marriage is no rest days , no open time , 24 hours a day and night , people want to get married at any time , can be registered .

  21. 在价值范围内,公路收费权可以多次质押。公路收费权质押合同由省级交通主管部门进行登记,自登记之日起生效。

    Among the range of price , it can be pledged many times , and the moment the contract is enrolled by the provincial traffic department it comes into effect .

  22. 登记机构应当在依法准予房地产登记之日起三日内,将原始凭证的有关信息载入登记册。

    The registration organs shall register the relevant information in the original documents onto the registration books within three days after the registration is approved in accordance with the law .

  23. 公司登记机关自接到股份有限公司设立登记申请之日起三十日内作出是否予以登记的决定。

    The company registration authority decides within thirty days of the date of receipt of an application to register the establishment of a company limited by shares whether or not to grant registration .

  24. 今日虽失败,明日可成功。登记机构予以异议登记的,申请人在异议登记之日起十五日内不起诉,异议登记失效。

    He who falls today may rise tomorrow . Where the registration organ grants the dissidence registration but the applicant fails to lodge an action within 15 days as of the date of dissidence registration , the dissidence registration shall lose its effect .

  25. 在不动产方面,对未登记的,占有人占有达到一定期限后,并不当然取得不动产的所有权,而是有权申请登记为所有人,自登记之日起取得所有权。

    About immovable property , if unregistered , it 's occupier , after a certain prescribed period of possession , has the right to apply for registering as the possessor and gains the proprietary right from the day of registered .