
bái zhī yě niú
  • gaur;mithan;mithum
白肢野牛[bái zhī yě niú]
  1. 虎偏爱白肢野牛,而不喜欢麂,而豹子则不喜欢猎取野猪。

    Tiger preferred gaur and avoided muntjac , while the leopard avoided wild pig .

  2. 白肢野牛,印度野牛一种(野牛或?牛属)大型、黑体的野牛,生于东南亚洲的山地在地中海地区的某个地方,小麦是野生的;

    A large , dark-coated wild ox ( Bos gaurus ) of hilly areas of southeast Asia . Somewhere in the Mediterranean region , wheat grew wild ;

  3. 此后研究人员还克隆了猫、山羊、牛、老鼠、猪、兔子、马、鹿、骡及白肢野牛(东南亚地区一种大野牛)。

    Researchers have since cloned cats , goats , cows , mice , pigs , rabbits , horses , deer , mules and gaur , a large wild ox of Southeast Asia .