
  1. 也是对许许多多蓉城老百姓故事的认可!

    Chengdu is also recognized by the people of the story !

  2. 《东方时空·百姓故事》栏目研究

    The Study of " Common Story of the Eastern Horizen "

  3. 百姓故事

    Story of Common People

  4. 大部分栏目剧都取材于本地生活,讲述百姓故事,以贴近生活见长。

    Most of the drama section are based on local life , people tell the story to life known .

  5. 以《百姓故事》为代表的大众纪录片的出现,是中国纪录片、中国电视传媒发展的历史必然。

    The emergy of mass documentary , which is represented by Common Story , is a historical necessity as the development of documentary tele media in China .

  6. 《百姓故事》的产生是中国纪录片长期发展的必然产物,是中国电视传媒乃至中国社会进一步开放的标志。

    Common story is an inevitable outcome of the long term development of documentaries in China , and a significant sign which revealed a further opening in tele media sphere and even in Chinese society .

  7. 有约200年历史的泗州戏曾经在安徽、山东、河南一带流传,表演融合唱、念、做、打,用当地方言演绎英雄史诗或寻常百姓故事。

    Once popular in parts of Anhui , Shandong and Henan provinces , in central to northern China , Sizhou Xi features singing , dancing and acrobatics . Stories in the traditional repertoire range from historical epics about heroes to tales of common people , presented in local dialects .

  8. 无论我干什么,我总是想办法记下来。我愿意分享和记录人们的故事,就是普普通通老百姓的故事。

    My search is always to find ways to chronicle , to share and to document stories about people , just everyday people .

  9. 在广告中,奥巴马并没有提出任何新政策,而是主要讲述了在经济困境中苦苦挣扎的寻常百姓的故事。

    Obama didn 't offer any new policies during the ad , most of which featured him narrating the stories of everyday people who are struggling with economic hardship .

  10. 任鸣说,“讲述非常时期老百姓自己的故事”是“北街南院”的主旨。

    Ren Ming says " narrating commoners ' stories during the special period " composes the theme of " Courtyard South of North Street " .

  11. 百年以来他以其独特的声音,记录着乐亭这座海隅小城里老百姓自己的故事。

    With hundreds of years of history , in a very unique sound , it records the stories of the people live in the small seaside city .

  12. 日前,阿佬和阿儒两兄弟所赐书法作品《讲述蓉城老百姓自己的故事》,是对《讲述蓉城老百姓自己的故事》栏目的支持!

    Recently , the A man and two brothers gave Confucianism Arab calligraphy " Chengdu people about their stories ," is for " Chengdu people about their stories " section of the support !

  13. 笔者在这里要感谢《讲述蓉城老百姓自己的故事》文章中的主人公,还要感谢支持《讲述蓉城老百姓自己的故事》的读者们!

    Here I would like to thank " Chengdu people about their stories ," the article in which the hero , but also thanks for the support ," Chengdu people tell their stories ," the readers !

  14. 民间故事是用口耳相传的方式一代代流传下来的“老百姓的”传统故事。

    Folk tales are traditional stories'of the people'that are handed down from one generation to another by word of mouth .

  15. 民生涉及到我们生活的各个方面,所讲述的也应该是与老百姓密切相关的故事,成为人们普遍关心的一个问题。

    Livelihood of the people involved in all aspects of our lives , has described the people should also be closely related with the story , become a question of general interest .